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“Tone-Deaf” is an Excuse…. not a Diagnosis
Do you have “Tone-Deaf” Singers? Well, chances are you don’t, even if you think you do. Find out how to first assessand then train all singers to match pitch Here is: “Tone-Deaf” is an Excuse….not a Diagnosis
One from the Folder: Repertoire Thoughts for Women’s/Treble Choirs
#34: Friday, November 16, 2018
“Winter Lullaby” by PINKZEBRA
2-part, piano (optional strings)
This sweet lullaby “combines snapshots of winter scenes with the sentimentality of life’s fleeting moments,” and is a perfect winter addition for your beginner women’s/treble ensemble.
Choral Potpourri: Getting Out the Humidifier
“…A person can develop ‘la grippe.’” From Adelaide’s Lament It is mid-November in the Midwest and you know what that means. A few leaves still cling to branches after their brethren have made a truly lovely, colorful exit. Birds are gathering on trees and powerlines to migrate en masse as soon as it turns cold […]
Ernest Bloch Avodath Hakodesh Sacred Service
This week on Going Beyond Words and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet, host Stan Schmidt invites you to take time to pause and remember those members of the Jewish community of Pittsburgh who were killed while attending worship in their synagogue. The sacred side of the classical repertory does not offer a great deal that speaks directly to […]
Choral Journal Summer Workshop and Festival Listings due 1/15/19
ACDA’s annual free summer workshop and festival listing will appear in the April issue of Choral Journal for events taking place May 1 – Sept 1, 2019. Submissions are due by January 15 to . Please format your submission as follows: Date of EventEvent TitleLocation1-2 sentence description of the eventContact nameContact email/phone *This is a text listing only. If you […]
Culturally Responsive Teaching in Urban Choral Education: Tips on Repertoire, Resources, and Relationship
By Emily Halbert Culturally Responsive Teaching is the buzz phrase for teaching in the 21st century, not just in general education, in choral music education as well. When I entered the choral conducting profession, I knew there would be a disconnect between my education, experiences, and the communities I desired to teach. Thankfully, my teacher […]
Choral Potpourri: Self-Care for Choral Folk
“I have to take care of myself. It’s about self-preservation.” Danielle de Niese This month we are exploring ways to take of ourselves during the most intense and busy time of the year for our profession. Getting enough rest, eating regular meals and taking a vacation for your mind are simple ways to take care […]
Reflecting on the Past and the Future (All Saints Day)
This week on GBW and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet host Stan Schmidt presents a way to tell a musical story and the subject is All Saints Day, another way to look at programming. You will recall two selections from Brahms German Requiem using the English translation by Robert Shaw plus a 1878 publication of O Heiland, reiss […]
Is Caffeine Dehydrating to the Vocal Folds?
Caffeine is one substance assumed to be associated with voice problems by causing systemic dehydration. It has been thought that if you drink coffee, you are robbing the body of water. If you’re a regular coffee drinker, one cup will hardly have negative ramifications.
Three Windows into Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms
The December issue of Choral Journal is now available online! The cover article for this issue was written by Michael Slon and titled “Three Windows into Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms.” Below is an excerpt of the article, and you can read it in its entirety in the December 2018 issue! Go to and click “Search Archives.”Choose December […]