Before I discovered Sight Reading Factory (SRF), I was using Smart Music for sight-singing homework. I liked it because it auto-graded assignments, which saved me a boatload of time. However, as I gained more experience, I realized that Smart Music’s auto-grading feature was creating more hassle for the students than convenience for my grading process. That’s when I made […]
Choral Clarity
Stop Asking For “Fun” Vocal Warm-Ups Until You Do This………….
We all know that warm-ups can be a great way to kick off a choir rehearsal with some fun. In fact, choir directors on Facebook are CONSTANTLY asking for FUN warm-ups. But here’s the thing—while having a good time is awesome, vocal warm-ups are about so much more! They’re the secret sauce to vocal development […]
How to Voice Your Choir Quickly & Effectively
I have a simple method to voice my students effectively and quickly. With this approach, you can voice new members in as quickly as 3 minutes or less. In addition to discovering a singer’s range, we must also take into account other factors, such as: their tessitura the needs of the ensemble their personal preference HERE […]
11 Things to Avoid Doing at the First Choir Rehearsal
Before my first day of teaching high school, the person who hired me gave me some advice. He told me exactly what to do on the first day: “Just do what you did during your demo lesson, and the students will love you!” Unfortunately, this advice nearly ruined my entire first year and jeopardized […]
The First Step to Building A Successful Choral Program
The Overlooked First Step to Building a Successful Choral Program The key to long-term success in a choral program is often overlooked, even by seasoned directors. This crucial first step is essential for sustained success and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Whether you’re a first-year teacher or a veteran, I encourage you to reflect on […]
First Day Advice for the New School Year: 3 Tips for Setting the Stage for Success
For all my high school and middle school choir director colleagues kicking off the school year (I’m still a few weeks away myself!), I’ve written this blog to simplify your first day with three key tips. These might seem unconventional compared to what you’ve heard before or what you currently practice, but I’m confident they’ll […]