Those who step into leadership know, or quickly learn, that it’s not an easy role. For every kudo and thanks you receive, there is often a complaint or demand placed. Decisions have to be made that don’t always make everyone happy. Obligations don’t always fit easily into the time allotted. ACDA runs on volunteer leadership. […]
Are You Connected?
No, I’m not talking about technology or the Cosa Nostra. I’m asking about your connection to a community of human beings you feel a relationship with, a community that allows you to both give and receive over time, that you learn from and also give back to. I know I’m not the only one reflecting […]
Culturally Responsive Teaching in Urban Choral Education: Tips on Repertoire, Resources, and Relationship
By Emily Halbert Culturally Responsive Teaching is the buzz phrase for teaching in the 21st century, not just in general education, in choral music education as well. When I entered the choral conducting profession, I knew there would be a disconnect between my education, experiences, and the communities I desired to teach. Thankfully, my teacher […]
The Great Library Purge of 2018
By Erika Lockwood Don’t you just love summer? In May and June, I dream about all of the things I will accomplish during summer break – gardening, trips, relaxing with a good book, being outdoors, organizing my choral library. I’m sure I’m not alone in longing for more time to get organized with my music, […]
Developing Voices: Don’t Be a Hummer, Be an Audiator
By Lynn Swanson This post launches a new Tuesday ChoralNet blog entitled Developing Voices, a team effort by Lynn Swanson, Jamea Sale, Jennifer Berroth, and Melissa Shallberg. The blog is meant to offer insight gained from research and experience on how voices should develop in a healthy manner for the whole of our lives. You […]
Empowering Student Leadership Through Music
By Jonathan Babcock, DMA, Texas State University Throughout my years as a student, I was always drawn to opportunities to lead and contribute to my musical community. As a high schooler, I was thrilled to be elected the president of the school marching band. The process of being elected by my peers, provided this lanky, […]