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One from the Folder: Repertoire Thoughts for Women’s/Treble Choirs
#33: Friday, November 2, 2018
“And Miriam Sang (Shiru L’Adonai)”
by Zebulon M. Highben
Exodus 15:21
SSAA, percussion
Choral Potpourri: Comfort Food
“The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken.” Maya Angelou November begins today and so does our November Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics series on Self-Care. As we head toward our busy season, I thought it might be good to give you some ideas on how to take care of yourself during this […]
A Reformation Salute
This week on Going Beyond Words and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet host Stan Schmidt invites you to hear a Reformation Salute. You will compare three versions of Ein Feste Burg of Martin Luther. The first arranged by John Ferguson, then a setting by Telemann and lastly, the famous one by Johann Sebastian Bach. Also programmed are two […]
Myths and Facts: Caring for Your Voice during the Winter Months
The vocal folds function best when the entire body is well hydrated. Since fluids and food pass through the pyriform sinus cavities avoiding the vocal folds and air passageway, vocal folds do not receive direct hydration. Rather, the body supplies hydration to the areas of the body that need it foremost. This is why it is important to hydrate on a consistent and constant basis
December Choral Journal Preview
The newest issue of Choral Journal will be available online Thursday, November 1. Since we always publish a month ahead, this is the December issue and the last of the 2018 calendar year! Following is a preview of the articles you will find in this issue. Be looking for it at on November 1! ACDA members […]
How to Grade your Concert
Choral Clarity Blog Presents: How do you grade your concerts? What do you do when a student is late, not dressed appropriately, or talking on the risers? Is the grade that the students receive pass/fail grade? This blog post discusses the ins and outs to giving a meaningful concert grade. How to Grade a Concert Performance
One from the Folder: Repertoire Thoughts for Women’s/Treble Choirs
#32: Friday, October 26, 2018
“The Road Not Taken” by Michael Bussewitz-Quarm
Text by Robert Frost
SAA, piano
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: The “Know-It-All” in Your Life
“Do not they bring it to pass by knowing that they know nothing at all?” Jean Racine You know the type; always in the know, the first adapters, the most socially-conscious of us all and will tell you what you’ve been doing wrong, smugly, before you say a word. They might be at a professional […]
Choral Concert Live: 45th Annual SDHS and Reunion Choir Sioux Falls, SD
This week on GBW and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet you will be transported to Sioux Falls SD to hear the 45th Annual South Dakota High School Honor Choir and Reunion Choir. Alan Stanga Executive Director told me that the Honors Choir ideas came from him and a colleague at the time, Perry Jones, who wanted to give All […]
Teachers are at special risk for developing hoarseness simply be cause the job requires heavy voice use five plus days a week, with little time in between to allow the voice to recover. Here are trusted tips to help!