Latest Blog Posts
Choral Ethics: Virtue Signaling
“Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.” William Shakespeare As we begin the new academic year, I’d like to start today with ChoralNetter correspondence concerning a topic that still has me a bit baffled: Virtue Signaling. I’ve had two folks contact me about this topic over the summer and hope you’ll comment below […]
Advocacy & Collaboration Monthly Blog: “Mutually Beneficial” and other first steps towards meaningful collaborations
Anyone else feel that “New Year’s Eve Vibe” at the start of the school year? I absolutely love that feeling of a fresh start, new classes, new singers, returning faces, and routine! While we must acknowledge it can also be a time of anxiety and overwhelm, this blog post seeks to address what to do […]
Sight Reading Factory’s Auto-Grading Tool – HERE’S THE TRICK…
Before I discovered Sight Reading Factory (SRF), I was using Smart Music for sight-singing homework. I liked it because it auto-graded assignments, which saved me a boatload of time. However, as I gained more experience, I realized that Smart Music’s auto-grading feature was creating more hassle for the students than convenience for my grading process. That’s when I made […]
Craig Hella Johson, Ellie Johnson, David von Kampen and Babatunde HipHopera!
Subscribe for free and never miss out on the conversation. The show is on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube or ANY podcast player! Last month might have been the best yet! Happy Labor Day! The month of August had five Fridays, so you got five episodes to get our school and choir years started! It is my […]
Choral Ethics: Our Ninth Anniversary
“In doing what we ought we deserve no praise, because it is our duty.” Saint Augustine Happy anniversary to US! It’s hard to believe it has been nine years since Scott Dorsey asked me to become a regular ChoralNet Blogger. At first, I worried about having enough material to write a regular blog on something […]
ChoralEd: Avoiding Rote Teaching – Using Solfège to Introduce New Repertoire
Introducing music using a rote technique has its advantages in certain circumstances. However, possibly more impactful is connecting the sight-reading skills that are required in most state music standards with the learning of new performance repertoire. To begin, have students count the rhythm separately from the music. Concurrently with this step, students can begin to […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Seeing Ourselves Whole
“Yoga allows you to rediscover a sense of wholeness in your life, where you do not feel like you are constantly trying to fit broken pieces together.” B.K.S. Iyengar It’s hard to believe I am starting my fifth year writing this blog. My intention in those early days of the pandemic was to encourage conductors, […]
Stop Asking For “Fun” Vocal Warm-Ups Until You Do This………….
We all know that warm-ups can be a great way to kick off a choir rehearsal with some fun. In fact, choir directors on Facebook are CONSTANTLY asking for FUN warm-ups. But here’s the thing—while having a good time is awesome, vocal warm-ups are about so much more! They’re the secret sauce to vocal development […]
Choral Ethics: Planting the Seed of Reputation
“Unless a tree has borne blossoms in spring, you will vainly look for fruit on it in autumn.” Walter Scott This is a Choral Ethics Blog post repeat from several years ago. I try to be here, one way or another, every week because I know many of you look forward to this blog and […]
How to Voice Your Choir Quickly & Effectively
I have a simple method to voice my students effectively and quickly. With this approach, you can voice new members in as quickly as 3 minutes or less. In addition to discovering a singer’s range, we must also take into account other factors, such as: their tessitura the needs of the ensemble their personal preference HERE […]