“Friendships begun in this world will be taken up again, never to be broken off.” Saint Francis de Sales I had the privilege of participating in a “Lessons and Carols” service this past holiday season. My son, Dean of a local AGO chapter, got me the gig and both of us played and directed and […]
Self Care
Choral Ethics: Ring Out the Old, Ring In the New…..
“Ring out the false, ring in the true.” Alfred Lord Tennyson This Holiday Season, I’ve rerun several Choral Ethics blogs from years past with a few modifications where needed. Today will be the last of the reruns; all new blogs will begin again next Thursday. ~MLGA Happy New Year, ChoralNetters! It is 2025, can […]
Choral Ethics: Let There Be Peace on Earth
“This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.” Leonard Bernstein For the month of December, I’m rerunning some Choral Ethics blogs from years past with a few modifications where needed. Today’s is THE MOST REQUESTED December Blog or ANY Blog. It is especially appropriate […]
The Conductor as Yogi: An Encouragement
As I sat down to write this last CAY blog post of the year, I contemplated various topics but kept coming back to an overriding sense that what we all need right now is Encouragement, capital E. At the root of the word “encourage” is the French “coeur” or heart. Encouragement is a way of […]
Choral Ethics: Christmastime Is Here
“Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection.” Winston Churchill I’m rerunning some Choral Ethics blogs from years past with a few modifications where needed. Two of my MOST REQUESTED December Blogs will also be making their yearly appearances. In a few days, it will be Christmas Eve. Your plans have been […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Nuggets of Gratitude
“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.“ Jon Kabat-Zinn It’s easy to think about gratitude when the calendar tells us to. Thanksgiving Day is a traditional time to celebrate gratitude as we gather with others and eat a large meal (and fall asleep afterwards to the lulling sounds of the big football game). […]