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Advocacy, Collaboration, and . . . Talking to Admins!
‘Tis the season of making goals and setting plans for the year ahead. Perhaps you have a big event or dream for your choir. Maybe you want to learn something new or start a new hobby. Whatever your goals may be, learning how to communicate that goal is key! In this month’s Advocacy and Collaboration […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Dare to Pause
“Few things are so pressing that they cannot wait for a moment of breath.” T.K.V. Desikachar Maybe you have had this conversation, usually with family or friends who are not in music or in teaching: Them: “Are you on break now? How nice that you have all that time off!” Us: “Oh, I am never […]
CJ Replay: Choral Singers “In the Zone”
The December 2016 issue of Choral Journal ifeatures an article titled “Choral Singers ‘In the Zone’: Toward Flow through Score Study and Analysis” by Christopher Walters. You can read it in its entirety at Search the December 2016 archives menu in the sidebar. Following is a portion from the article. _________________ The bell rings abruptly during your […]
Leaving Mask Judgement Behind in 2021 and Teacher Burnout
Perform! And be proud of it! Audiences NEED us this Holiday season. Our singers need to perform. Children need to see smiles. We inject so much joy into the world when we perform. In this short episode I discuss a few topics briefly that I felt the need to get off my chest. Including the […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: This Is Christmas
“At Christmas play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year.” Thomas Tusser For the month of December, I’m rerunning some Choral Ethics blogs from years past with a few modifications where needed. Two of my MOST REQUESTED December Blogs will be making their yearly appearances. Happy December! ~MLGA Today is the […]
Stories of Healing and Reimagining: Commonalities Part 2
As choral professionals has navigated COVID, many have taken a hard look at equity in the field. Some have focused on addressing systemic issues within the field, while others have worked within their spheres to make changes in their classrooms, rehearsals, schools, and sacred spaces. As I asked choral professionals about ADEI, some were more […]
Creating Transformational Experiences: Emotional Resilience
This point of the year is always tiring, especially with extra performances, events at church, or end of semester grades due. Unfortunately, we can add the Omicron variant, quarantines, and contentious times this year. On social media, I’ve seen posts about wonderful performances, as well as stressful scenarios such as a large portion of a […]
CJ Replay – Choral Conversation with James Benjamin Kinchen, Jr.
Choral Journal’s ongoing column called “Choral Conversations” features interviews with noted choral conductors and composers. An interview with James Benjamin Kinchen Jr. is featured in the December 2020 issue. You can read the interview in its entirety online at Click “Search Archives” and choose December 2020 from the dropdown menu. _____________________________ What principles and core […]
Your Singer MISSED The Concert….What Do We Do? – Use The 5 “E”S
Do you have singers who miss your concert? – Do you have parents of singers who booked a family vacation that conflicts with your concert? – Do you have singers with personal conflicts that prevent them from attending the concert? – Do you have singers who get sick the night of the concert? – Do you have singers who are a no-show at the concert? […]
Health, Happiness and Balance for the Choral Director
At times, we, as working professionals, struggle to maintain our health and balance. As a result, our happiness suffers. In this episode, I will share my thoughts on this as well as get a reality check from my wife, Beth, on whether or not I am “balanced.” The Inaugural episode of the Choralosophy Podcast was […]