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From India Ink to Digital Bits
By D. Geoffrey Bell The process of musical composition has changed dramatically over the last fifty years. With the advent of personal analog and digital technologies, composers have adopted an evolving set of technological tools that have transformed the way music is written. This, in turn, has had a significant impact on performances by many […]
Off The Podium: The Boar’s Head Carol
The Boar’s Head in hand bear I,Bedeck’d with bays and rosemary;And I pray you, my masters, be merry,Quot estis in convivio. Caput apri deferoReddens laudes Domino. The Boar’s Head, as I understand,Is the bravest dish in all this land,When thus bedeck’d with a gay garland,Let us servire cantico. Caput apri deferoReddens laudes Domino. Our steward hath provided […]
An Interview with Bob Chilcott
The January issue of Choral Journal is online and features an interview article with Bob Chilcott and Tim Sharp. You can read it in its entirety online at Following is a portion of the interview. ___________________ As a composer, conductor, and singer, Bob Chilcott has enjoyed a lifelong association with choral music, first as a chorister and […]
Your Choir Can’t Carol This Year….. Here’s a New Idea
Is your choir DEVASTATED that they aren’t caroling this year? It’s so heartbreaking for both our singers and our community. I have an idea that may bring spirit to your choir members and also to your community. Check out our brand new blog post: Your Choir Can’t Carol This Year…..Here’s a New Idea If you […]
Diversifying Repertoire is a Personal Journey with Dr. Janet Galván
When you do music from a culture that is not your own, it is like you are holding someone else’s dreams and past in your hands. Janet Galván In this touching and vulnerable conversation, Dr. Galván and I discuss the very important issue of programming and preparing to perform music from an ever growing number […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: “………and the tongue of the dumb shall sing”
As I mentioned last week, for the rest of the month of December Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics will be running some of our “oldie but goodie” blogs from past Decembers. This is one of my favorites! MLGA I love “Messiah”. Truth be told, it is probably one of my favorite large choral work. There’s a little […]
Travel with the Non-auditioned Choir, Part 3: Immersing Your Singers in the Local Culture
By Patricia Guth Traveling with a non-auditioned and (often) mostly older choir is far different than taking your professional, high school, or college ensemble on tour. If you read the first two installations of this blog, you’ll recall that I talked a lot about the importance of choosing the right tour company and destination, the […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Restock the “Well”
Ramona M. Wis I remember when our daughter would come home from college at the end of each school year and seemingly slept for 2 weeks. There was this huge release from an “always-on” pace, countless activities and responsibilities, heavy intellectual, artistic, and emotional challenges, and the pressures of proving oneself in an academic and professional […]
January Choral Journal Preview
The newest issue of Choral Journal is available online. Following is a list of the content you will find in this issue. ACDA members can log in with their username and password to view and download the newest edition. You can also read our electronic version. Below is a preview of the articles you will find in this […]
No winter concert? Now what do you do instead?
Is your entire winter concert season cancelled? Mine is. Are you just counting down the days until break? Are you just killing time, rehearsal after rehearsal, hoping to survive with your sanity intact? Would you like some productive ideas that could energize your choral program? Whether you are holding in-person rehearsals, hybrid rehearsals, or fully remote, […]