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The 2-Minute Rapid-Fire Sight-Singing Drill
Can you afford to spend 2 minutes a day on Sight-Singing? I would argue you CAN’T afford not to! This 2-Minute Rapid-Fire Sight-Singing Drill requires little to no preparation and maximizes those 2 minutes of rehearsal time. This is SIMPLE!I’ll explain HOW to do it and WHY it is so useful in developing great sight-singers. Just 2 Minutes! […]
Ripping off the bandaid- Why you CAN and SHOULD stop playing notes and making tracks for kids tomorrow
In this episode I will take you through a topic that I believe should be CENTRAL to all of our philosophies as choral educators. Should I be the high priest in my classroom or the shepherd? The high priest is the conduit that the masses must pass through in order obtain musical knowledge. Put plainly, […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Happy
“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” Abraham Lincoln Are you happy? For the rest of the month of September, Choral Ethics will be exploring the idea of happiness and what it takes to BE happy in our profession. But today, let’s hear what a couple of ChoralNetters […]
Beginning the 26th Year: It’s All in the Words
This week on GBW and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet host Stan Schmidt takes a moment to tell you how Going Beyond Words got started and how he goes about putting each show together. He then gives you an opportunity to listen to “A Song of Praise” by Beethoven conducted by Robert Shaw; “A Prayer by Padre Pio” […]
Was Anybody Listening? A Teacher Looks Back
By Debbie Aurelius-Muir This particular day began as every day had. It was Thursday. Not that that made a difference. Every day started the same. The bell rang at 8:22 a.m. and by 8:25 a.m. my special education class arrived. There were 14 students and one aide. I often struggled with it. I never intended […]
CJ Preview: Ours to See: Emerging Trends in Today’s Choral Compositions
The October 2019 issue of Choral Journal is now available online. Below is an excerpt of the cover article “Ours to See: Emerging Trends in Today’s Choral Compositions” by Alan Denney. You can read it in its entirety online at Click “Search Archives” and choose October 2019 from the dropdown menu._____________________________ Choral conductors consistently strive to […]
8 Keys to Turn Sight-Singing Fear into Fun!
Do your students FEAR SIGHT-SINGING? If they do, there’s a reason for it. The reason is SIMPLE! This blog taps into WHY they FEAR it and HOW to get them to LOVE it! Here are: 8 Keys to Turn Sight-Singing Fear into Fun!
One from the Folder: Repertoire Thoughts for Women’s/Treble Choirs
#54: Friday, September 6, 2019.
“A Pavane for the Nursery” by Steven Sametz.
Text by William Jay Smith.
SSAA, a cappella.
As sit here watching my sleeping son, I am reminded of the beauty and the joy that comes from unconditional love. Sametz’ music and Smith’s text together put that feeling into existence as a song, and I look forward to introducing the piece to my choirs.
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Welcome Back
“We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer’s wreckage. We will welcome summer’s ghost.” Henry Rollins Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful summer and are refreshed and ready to go. I also hope you enjoyed the Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics repeats here on ChoralNet for the last two […]
Seasons, Flower Songs, Canticles and Prayers
ACDA Radio and ChoralNet Radio with host, Stan Schmidt, invites you another edition of one of the longest running choral radio programs in the country. On this broadcast we introduce a new series of recordings featuring the adored creativity of composer/conductor Dr. Dale Warland. You will hear the first of several new recordings called the […]