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6 Creative & Engaging Rehearsal Sight-Singing Ideas – no prep required!
Let’s face it, sight-singing can get boring and/or stale in choir rehearsals. The more we do it, the more they get used to it; but getting used to the same routine may also lead to a level of disengagement or disinterest. Should we take a break from Sight-Singing? Definitely NOT! Instead, change it up, be creative, and find […]
Off The Podium: Wholehearted Attention
ChoralNet is delighted to welcome veteran music educator Walter Bitner to our roster of weekly bloggers. His posts will focus on music education, and choral music education in particular. We hope you will enjoy this new series, and invite you to post comments and reflections. Music teachers in school settings often feel a sense of […]
Choral Conversation: Paul Aitken
_____________________________ Choral Journal’s ongoing column called Choral Conversations” features interviews with noted choral conductors and composers. The second interview in this series took place with Paul Aitken in the June/July 2016 issue. This conversation examines what aspects of his work at a large, multi-campus church of 3,500 members and constituents could work in both large […]
Can Pitches Be Perfect?
This is a FASCINATING discussion with Donald Brinegar, author of the recently published “Pitch Perfect: a Theory and Practice of Choral Intonation.” Donald and I discuss the sometimes misunderstood concepts related to intonation and what makes something “in tune” or “out of tune.” Is it possible that we our education related to this topic has been […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Wisdom
“Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.” Alfred Lord Tennyson With age and experience comes wisdom or something akin to it. In our youth and training we read, we study, we practice and attend concerts and rehearsals and we think we know it all. And maybe we do, theoretically. It isn’t until we get out in the […]
Choral Conversation: Joan Catoni Conlon
_____________________________ Choral Journal’s ongoing column called Choral Conversations” features interviews with noted choral conductors and composers. The first interview in this series took place with Joan Catoni Conlon in the February 2016 issue. You can read it in its entirety online at Click “Search Archives” and choose February 2016 from the dropdown menu._____________________________ What inspired […]
For more than a decade, my rehearsal approach for the month of January could be simply described as: NO CHORAL MUSIC! Let’s give them a Choral break! What should we do instead? I’m going to share my January approach, the approach I use every year with my high school choirs! Here is: My “NO CHORAL MUSIC in JANUARY” […]
Reboot, Restart and Revitalize
Seven important concepts to master to keep your choir moving forward for an ENTIRE academic year. Sometimes we fall into ruts. Sometimes the singers do… Ultimately, both scenarios are bad and are OUR fault as the director. I have had wildly successful school years and seasons with churches and pro choir. And some that fell […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Being Kind
“We cannot be kind to each other here for even an hour. We whisper, and hint, and chuckle and grin at our brother’s shame; however you take it we men are a little breed.” Alfred Lord Tennyson I’ve written many Choral Ethics blogs about kindness and there’s a very good reason why; we Choral Folk […]
February Choral Journal Preview
The newest issue of Choral Journal is available online. Following is a list of the articles you will find in this issue. ACDA members can log in with their username and password to view and download the newest edition. You can also read our electronic version. Below is a preview of the articles you will find in this […]