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Loving by Letting Go: Stepping away from the classroom with Dr. Jaclyn Johnson
In this episode, Beth and I chat with our mutual friend, Dr. Jaclyn Johnson about her choice to step away from the choral classroom and her University teaching post to go to Brazil to teach Yoga. We discuss her goals in embarking on this adventure, and how she is using this time away to reboot […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics:”…….and the tongue of the dumb shall sing.”
I love “Messiah”. Truth be told, it is probably my favorite large choral work. There’s a little something for everyone–from show piece arias to choruses that are both difficult and poignant to recitatives that move the story along while being musically interesting. The story that is told, using scriptures from both the Old and New […]
ChorTeach Replay: Emerging (Student) Teachers Grow and Excel
ChorTeach is ACDA’s quarterly publication for choral conductors and teachers at all levels. It is published online, and each issue contains four practical articles. If you are not already a member of ACDA, you can join and receive access to ChorTeach online. Below is an excerpt from an article written by Robby Shellard and Jeremy Little appearing in the Fall 2013 […]
10 SIMPLE Things That Will Make Your Concert More Successful!
The success of your concert is dependent on more than just solid concert programming and vocal execution! In fact, I would argue that those two things have far less to do with a successful concert than you might think. How do you stay true to high-quality concert programming while ensuring your audience appreciates their experience? Don’t fret, I will share […]
One from the Folder: Repertoire Thoughts for Women’s/Treble Choirs
#57: Friday, December 6, 2019
Christmas and Holiday concert and caroling ideas, for SA, SSA, and easier SSAA
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Pushing Through Difficulty
“The best way out of a difficulty is through it.” Will Rogers What do you do, when YOU are falling apart, or someone you love is, during this most busy of times for our profession? Do you take extra vitamins or sip tea or soup? Catch a nap or sleep or few extra minutes in […]
Ten Keys to Unlocking Artistic Choral Performance (Keys 7-10)
The October and November 2015 issue of Choral Journal included a two-part article titled “Ten Keys to Unlocking Artistic Choral Performance” by Frank Eychaner. Following are short excerpts from Keys 7-10. You can read it in its entirety online at Click “Search Archives” and choose October 2015 (part 1) or November 2015 (part 2) from the dropdown […]
7 LAST MINUTE Holiday Repertoire Ideas that WILL work!
It’s not too late to add additional holiday music to your concert! I have 7 awesome suggestions that can be learned in just 1 or 2 rehearsals! This blog post will ALSO provide a fast and effective strategy for teaching each piece! Most pieces can be downloaded instantly, in time for your next rehearsal! Here are: 7 LAST MINUTEHoliday Repertoire Ideasthat […]
Thanksgiving Episode: Finding your “Why” by Practicing Gratitude
“We live in a time where directing choirs for a living is possible. In the broad scope of human history, THAT alone is an amazing luxury.” I believe that an underlying philosophy is a necessity for each successful professional. Some call this a “why statement.” Have you found your “why?” Is it the same […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Being Grateful
“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” Henry David Thoreau I always try to be grateful. In this season of Thanksgiving, I am more grateful than usual. Perhaps our world is in upheaval but there is one thing I know for sure; there is plenty more Good than there […]