Seven important concepts to master to keep your choir moving forward for an ENTIRE academic year.
Sometimes we fall into ruts. Sometimes the singers do… Ultimately, both scenarios are bad and are OUR fault as the director. I have had wildly successful school years and seasons with churches and pro choir. And some that fell flat… In this episode I draw on that experience to come up with list of winning strategies synthesized from my best years on the podium. The list below is NOT ranked in any type of way.
- Keep sight reading every day. If they’re bored, then you’re boring them.
- Raise the bar. Once a choir thinks they are “good” they will stop working.
- Group building is not just for the first day of school. Do more.
- Set goals. Communicate them publicly. Don’t assume they know why.
- Create engaging rehearsals by BEING engaging. (Hint: learn to be yourself!)
- Interpret text. A lot. If you don’t know how, then ask somebody.
- If the morale or rehearsal etiquette is not what you want it to be, it’s time to shock the system.

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