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Girls Voices Change Too! With Dr. Bridget Sweet
Dr. Bridget Sweet is the first scholar to examine adolescent female voice change through systematic research protocols This week, we fill in a major gap in programming on the Choralosophy podcast. This is the FIRST episode on the feed diving into research and teaching practice of the female changing voice in adolescence. There will be […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Q & A on Yoga with JW Pepper
About a month ago, JW Pepper reached out to me about doing a piece on yoga for their CUEDIN blog, supporting their outreach on topics related to musicians’ wellness. They had followed my work through this Conductor as Yogi blog and my 2021 Choral Journal article on the topic and had some specific and practical […]
Disrupting the Choral Class System: A Journey of One High School Choral Program
The International Journal of Research in Choral Singing (IJRCS) is ACDA’s scholarly publication that welcomes studies that apply rigorous, systematically-grounded methodologies, either quantitative or qualitative, to investigate phenomena of potential interest to all who sing in, work with, or are otherwise interested in choral ensembles. Below is the abstract from this article written by Marci […]
The Higher Ed Problems That Shall Not Be Named
“Being able to teach well is treated as a side quest in the Higher Ed world.” an Anonymous conversation with a PhD Music Education Professor. NEW: Find more blogs from a growing staff of contributors! Subscribe for FREE to Choralosophy Community Share The post above generated a fantastic conversation on Facebook in the “Choralosophers” group. […]
Barbershop Harmony Society Judge Perceptions of Expressive Performances and Contest Adjudication
The International Journal of Research in Choral Singing (IJRCS) is ACDA’s scholarly publication that welcomes studies that apply rigorous, systematically-grounded methodologies, either quantitative or qualitative, to investigate phenomena of potential interest to all who sing in, work with, or are otherwise interested in choral ensembles. Below is the abstract from this article written by Christopher […]
ChoralEd: The Boy’s Changing Voice, Part 3 – Maintaining Boys’ Interest in Singing
In Part 3 of Dr. Terry J. Barham’s discussion of the boy’s changing voice, Dr. Barham shares strategies for maintaining a boy’s interest in singing. Recommendations include, To watch ChoralEd, Episode 30 on YouTube click HERE.
March/April Choral Journal Preview
The March/April issue of Choral Journal is available online. ACDA members can log in with their username and password to view and download the newest edition. You can also read our electronic version. If you are not already a member of ACDA, join today to start receiving your monthly Choral Journal! Universal Design for Learning: Embracing Learner Variability in Choral […]