Tim’s article “How to Ruin an Alto” was published in 1982-83 in The Choral Journal and in MENC’s publication. It included some strong language like “there are no good reasons for allowing women to sing tenor.” In this episode Timothy Mount, a Professor Emeritus at Stony Brook University, joins me to discuss his very strongly […]
Can We Meet Kids Where They Are Without Lowering Standards? With Jonathan Talberg
Is “Tough Love” outdated? Or is it the tool of caring parents and educators? Recently, a “Facebook post dialogue” of sorts went viral amongst music educators between Juilliard professor Geoffrey Keezer and James Falzone. Professor Keezer made a relatively short post related to the problems he is seeing in his teaching position related to reliability […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Q & A on Yoga with JW Pepper
About a month ago, JW Pepper reached out to me about doing a piece on yoga for their CUEDIN blog, supporting their outreach on topics related to musicians’ wellness. They had followed my work through this Conductor as Yogi blog and my 2021 Choral Journal article on the topic and had some specific and practical […]
Choral Ethics: Who Would You Choose?
I am taking a bit of a Choral Ethics break for the next few weeks and this is a Choral Ethics Blog repeat. My Dad died on February 29, which seemed appropriate. If you have a Choral Ethics dilemma or query or comment, please email me: marie@midwestmotet.org and I’ll respond when I am able. ~Love, […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Abilities vs. Gifts
Our professional life’s journey is very much focused on developing our abilities—the ability to play or sing, to read music, conduct, plan effective rehearsals, and understand the context of the music we teach. In time, we get really good at it, and even receive pieces of paper to demonstrate that we “made it” in our […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Thanks (in Advance)
The power of a genuine “Thank you” cannot be underestimated. Our busy lives don’t slow down for much, but when a gesture or word of thanks comes our way, we pause and take notice of where we are and who we are with. We smile, breathe more deeply and for a moment, think larger than […]