Dear Choralnet users, I hope you’ll be interested in some of my music – I mainly write for choir, and it would be good to hear from you with some details of what sort of repertoire you’d be interested in. I’m trying to make the jump from amateur to professional composer, and would appreciate […]
Search Results for: user
Anúna @ Fukushima
In December, Anúna paid a visit to Onahama 1st Elementary School, Iwaki, Fukushima to give a very special performance. A word from Michael McGlynn about the trip and video: I thought that this video might interest Choralnet users – two of our members for this tour were from the USA. I have to […]
Advice for lost graduate students
Ariel Rubinstein gives some entertaining advice for grad students in econ which might apply to music as well: Do not attend too many seminars in your own field. Otherwise you may simply end up adding a comment to the existing literature, which is mostly made up of comments on previous comments which were themselves only […]
Ouch! The truth hurts
This from an article titled the Choral Dirge – complaints about choir concerts. I agree with most of them: 1. Composers like to write tediously slow, earnest music. Most of the contemporary repertoire sounds like a dirge, with the same superficially complex harmonies borrowed from the Lauridsen and Whitacre cannons. There’s little rhythmicality and joy […]
Sicut Cervus – chant online
I first shared these chant videos on the ChoralBlog on July 22, 2011. Take a moment to enjoy this Sicut Cervus and work towards performing more chant in the coming year!
Students with Smartphones Study More
As ACDA continues to build its forthcoming mobile app, I thought it would be timely to share a recent study from StudyBlue that reveals students with access to smartphones study material for classes approximately 40 minutes more per week than students without access to a smartphone. This figure was tabulated from the combined data of […]