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Antiphonal violin sections in Baroque music
I would like to set my violin sections antiphonally for my upcoming concert. There are several reasons for this: 1. When not independent, the second violins are doubling the alto part, which is on my right. This would help in cueing and hearing, right? 2. There are times when I really want the two violin parts […]
looking for Bender anthem
I have had no response to my posting of over a month ago, so I’m trying again. I have been searching unsuccessfully for the Jan Bender anthem “I am the Good Shepherd.” (I’ve checked with the original publisher, usual commercial sheet music sources, internet, etc.) Does anyone have this in their choral library that would be willing […]
Mahler 8th part-learning aids?
The Nashville Symphony Orchestra and Chorus are performing Mahler 8th for our fall 2010 opening concert. We are starting to rehearse it this month. Does anyone know of a company or a choral organization who might have made part-learning aids for this piece and would be willing to let us use/purchase them? I have searched but […]
LA Children’s Chorus debuts Emerging Voices – choir for boys with changed voices
Los Angeles Children’s Chorus celebrated the debut performance of its newest choir, Emerging Voices – which is one of only a few in the country to serve boy vocalists with changing voices – at a special concert and fundraiser on February 19, at the home of Antoinette Adams and Frederic Cohen in San Marino. […]
Orchestration for “The Prayer” (Sager/Foster)
Does anyone know of an orchestration for “The Prayer” (the Sager/Foster version) ? I’m doing it with my SSA choir (In F) and would like to add our schools orchestra to the mix. Thanks.
Good edition of Handel’s How Excellent Thy Name
I am looking for a good edition of Handel’s How Excellent thy Name. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Norman Zogaib Hamburg, NY
6th Grade Repertoire that isn’t boring for them.
Hi all, I have the following picked out for my 6th grade choir: Pie Jesu (Lightfoot), Charlottetown (Crocker), Good Cheer (Snyder). They don’t like any of them. Does anyone have any suggestions for songs that they can sing that are more appealing to them? I just want them to be successful with something so […]
Repertoire for Choir and Orchestra. theme: helping others…
Looking for repertoire for Choir and Orchestra. theme: helping others……brotherhood etc… It’s for a concert where my choir is engaged to provide a full program for an organization that promotes human rights, and aid.
Schubert Psalm 23 instrumental parts
Friends – we’re singing the Schubert 23rd Psalm in SATB arrangement that directly parallels the original. I might also include it in an upcoming concert featuring Bach Cantata 4 with chamber orchestra. I have the New College Oxford (Higginbottom) recording of the Schubert in which the accompaniment includes strings, and would like to use the […]
Les Choristes
Colleagues, Does anyone have information about the choral selections from “Les Choristes?” A student is interested and I’ve been unsuccessful in tracking it down. The selections she mentioned to me are entitled Cerf-volant, La Nuit and Caresse sur l’océan. Thanks for your assistance. PS: I have found that Hal Leonard does publish […]