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PhD in Choral Conducting?
Hi, I would like to do PhD in Choral Conducting, but it is hard to find such a possibilitry anywhere! Currently I am studying at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff (UK) and I would likte to continue my education in the US since the best choirs are there…can anybody advise me […]
Can you please cue us in here?
Hello, I’m new (or returning) to the forum and have a question about singers with attitude. What do you handle a singer that constantly asks you to show cues to their section or who constantly points out the “errors” in your instructions to the choir? Tim Seelig calls them “nagivators”. I’m well aware that a properly […]
looking for Bach aria recommendations
I am looking for any recmmendations for a JS Bach aria for soprano – using cello and organ….will be used in a Holy Thursday/Good Friday type service…..any help is appreciated!!
How to motivate students?
Help!!!! I am so frustrated. I teach in a small private school and we are currently rehearsing for our very first H/S musical scheduled for the end of April. We have a relatively strong cast of 11. When rehearsals began, we laid out all the expectations concerning attendance, memorization, communication, and above all making this commitment a […]
Looking for choral colleagues in Lucca, Italy
Are there any choir conductors (or choral singers) out there in Lucca, Italy? If so, could you contact me privately, as I have several questions I would like to ask of you. Thank you, Martin
SSA or SSAA Barbershop, Gospel, etc. What to look out for?
Hello all, I’ve recently taken over volunteer-directorship of a small ensemble of an all-volunteer college women’s A Capella group whose current repertoire is mostly barbershop and the occasional pop song cover with a little bit of Gospel thrown in there. I’d like to expand their rep and library, and they’ve pretty much given […]
Why a Requiem during Lent?
Even with a masters in music from a very fine seminary, I have always wondered why it is considered appropriate to perform settings of requiem masses during Lent? Certainly the mass text refers to the deaths of mortal humans, not Christ, so what is the justification of performing one during Lent?
Community Band Cut After 127 years
The County of Hawaii is planning to fire its entire band which has been in existence since 1883. These musicians are among our community’s finest and are the very musicians hired by our local choral groups when instrumental accompaniment is required. We’ve already lost the Honolulu Symphony due to bankruptcy. The Hawaii County Band however, […]
Students not singing
Dear Collective Choral Wisdom: I have a middle school group this year that simply will not sing, no matter what I do. They’re not inattentive or disruptive, they just don’t make sounds. Most of them look like they’re mumbling, but little or no sound comes out. I’ve tried everything I know to do. If […]
Light Divine by Archangelsky/Walker
I’m preparing Light Divine by Alexander Archangelsky, edited by Rod Walker. The mm is half note at 76. Should it say quarter note at 76. A half note at 76 seems exceptionally fast to me.