Latest Community Posts
Choral clinics
Hello there – this is my first posting on Choralnet, so I hope I am in the right forum – my name is Lucy Champion, I live in Dublin and am a member of Anuna, (directed by Michael McGlynn). I am currently undertaking a series of choral clinics in Ireland – working with singers […]
A quick survey for K-12 choral educators
Dear fellow choral directors, I am currently working on my masters project entitled, “Technology Use in the Choral Program.” One of the things I am trying to determine is the extent to which K-12 choral educators use computers and computer-related technologies in their programs, either directly with students or in creating support materials and resources for […]
ChoralExpress expanded to include Iowa and Wisconsin
ChoralExpress (, the Choral Calendar of the Midwest, in addition to serving Minnesota, has expanded to include Iowa and Wisconsin Choirs. This online resource for all choirs provides a means for choirs to register and post their concerts. The Choral Calendars, dedicated for each state, are searchable by region of the state and type […]
Board Meetings
Hello all, I am the director of a community choir that is growing in size and level of performance. Our board, of 9 members plus me, exofficio, meets monthly, however, only for the 45 minutes directly before a rehearsal. As you can imagine, this amounts to a brief check-in. Many issues remain undiscussed and undone. […]
Make-up Assignment for Missing Tour
Dear Listers, I have a tour scheduled for my high school only weeks away and I was recently informed by a student that she won’t be attending tour because it conflicts with another one of her extra-curricular activities. I have already spoken with the student, parent, counselor, assistant principal, and principal and the decision […]
Solo Soprano/ Mezzo Soprano Warm-ups
I am a soprano/ mezzo soprano (I do both for different gigs) and I am looking for some warm-ups that I can do to end the extremely mundane warm-up routine I have right now. Please help!!! Thanks, Stacy Heller
PhD in Choral Conducting?
Hi, I would like to do PhD in Choral Conducting, but it is hard to find such a possibilitry anywhere! Currently I am studying at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff (UK) and I would likte to continue my education in the US since the best choirs are there…can anybody advise me […]
Can you please cue us in here?
Hello, I’m new (or returning) to the forum and have a question about singers with attitude. What do you handle a singer that constantly asks you to show cues to their section or who constantly points out the “errors” in your instructions to the choir? Tim Seelig calls them “nagivators”. I’m well aware that a properly […]
looking for Bach aria recommendations
I am looking for any recmmendations for a JS Bach aria for soprano – using cello and organ….will be used in a Holy Thursday/Good Friday type service…..any help is appreciated!!
How to motivate students?
Help!!!! I am so frustrated. I teach in a small private school and we are currently rehearsing for our very first H/S musical scheduled for the end of April. We have a relatively strong cast of 11. When rehearsals began, we laid out all the expectations concerning attendance, memorization, communication, and above all making this commitment a […]