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Choir resigns in protest when director fired
It started when a trendy new vicar arrived, raising eyebrows by preaching in a Hawaiian shirt, incorporating Leonard Cohen songs into his services, and dressing up as a circus clown. Then Sam Norton went further, renaming ‘Evensong’ as ‘Evenspeak’ and introducing events such as ‘parish brekkie’. But the final straw for many came […]
Friends, I am wanting to perform this piece with a middle school choir but cannot seem to locate it as I am unaware of the publisher/composer/arranger and was hoping someone could look at the link and provide that infomration. This seems like a neat piece. Here is the link: Thanks for […]
In Memory of J. Paul Williams – 1937-2010
Famed sacred lyricist and composer J. Paul Williams passed away at his home in Little Rock, Arkansas, on Wednesday, February 17, after being diagnosed in late January with Acute Myelocytic Leukemia. He was 72. He is survived by his wife, Donna, two sons, daughter-in-law and four grandchildren. Paul has more than 700 choral works published […]
Psalm 25 – search for Krista Wiger
I would like to record Psalm 25 (Higher Than the Mountains) by Krista Wiger on a CD at our church. My quest to obtain a mechanical license has been unsuccessful. Does anyone know Krista Wiger or how to obtain permission to use this song? thanks, Denise Makinson Director of Worship & Music Ministries Southwood Lutheran […]
Gerald Near and Imant Raminsh ~ Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis
My choir, in conjunction with another choir, is going to be in residence for a week at Bristol Cathedral, UK this summer. For the Choral Evensong services, I am interest in the settings of the Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis by Gerald Near (Plainsong Theme) and Imant Raminsh. While I have the sheet music, I am having difficulty finding recordings […]
Suggestions for a Middle School Boy’s Choir
I am a second year middle school choral teacher, and at the moment I have 3 treble choirs (6th, 7th, and 8th grades) that are mixed gender. Coming into the program, there were not many boys in the program. I am lucky to have 2 or 3 boys in a class. I would like to […]
How to prepare for a College Conducting Audition
I would like any advice on how to prepare for an upcoming audition for a Masters of Choral Conducting. I received the music today and my audition is in a week. I am a seasoned conductor with 10 years teaching at the high school level. I really would like to do well!
Rehearsal CDs
Dear Musicians, For major seasons of the year I prepare rehearsal CDs … typically recording the SA, TB, then SATB voicing for each song. I will give very brief instructions at the beginning of the recording and “spell” the voices, then give a lead in count, play the voice parts using use a piano patch […]
Suggested Performance Opportunities in Washington D.C.
I am taking my high school chamber choir on a tour in June, and we will have a couple of days in D.C. We hope to sing at a liturgy at the Basilica, and I was hoping to do a civic performance as well. Does any have any suggestions of good performance experiences that can be had […]
searching the orignal words in English. black folk song
serching the orignal wards in English. black fork song Our choral gruope,Kusabue sing an old black fork song in japanese. Inorder to sutdy it,looking for orignal wards. It`s tolansrated in japanese like “The lights of the river fade” The lights of the river fade the moon goes below be wih you,flowers are blooming glory I love you,Daina Oh,Lasta […]