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The Conductor as Yogi: Regaining Sense-Ability
Our first brisk fall morning. Do I really want to go for a walk when it’s 43 degrees? (Pause) Well, want isn’t the right word, but I know I’ll benefit so I dig out the thermal running gear and as Grandma Nike says, “just do it.” Cold air hits my face, my breath feels thankfully […]
Sound Teaching: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in Choir
The October issue of Choral Journal is online and features an article titled “Sound Teaching: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in Choir” by William Sauerland. You can read it in its entirety at Following is a portion from the introduction. _________________ Involvement in a music ensemble has been found to be beneficial for social, mental, emotional, spiritual, and neurobiological health; however, […]
11 Choir Halloween Tricks (and Treats)
Choir Halloween is a great opportunity for breaking up the monotony of “regular” rehearsals. If well-planned, this special rehearsal (or several rehearsals) can be productive, creative, and serve as a way to infuse energy back into your program. Here are: 11 Choir Halloween Tricks(and Treats)
Finding Connection Again with Nicola Dedmon
At some point, we have to come back to choir, (or quit) and the Covid risk will not be zero. So, it is now unavoidable that we will have to become comfortable engaging with humans in close proximity because they NEED us. Choir is essential. Nicola Dedmon recently wrote a great article in the ACDA […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Looking Inward
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare Like many of you, during these past 20 months, I’ve done much self-reflection. I constantly questioned myself, hoping answers will lead me to understand myself. What kind of person and choral leader am I, or do I WANT to be? […]
Stories of Healing and Reimagining with Dr. Anne Lyman
Dr. Anne Lyman wears many choir director hats: community choir, church, and community college choir. She is the past president of Washington ACDA, loves sharing the joys of early choral music, and is clearly a service-oriented conductor. During the first 10 days or so of March, things went from “normal” to unsettled to cancelled. At […]
Creating Transformative Experiences: Rest and Pause
Just a few years ago, December 25 was on a Sunday in 2016. At the church I served at the time, all were encouraged to wear their PJs to church, including staff. As it turns out, only staff dressed in that way, including me! I dressed in PJ bottoms, t-shirt with a fleece, and slippers. […]
Burnout Prevention for Conductors and Their Choirs
The October issue of Choral Journal is online and features an article titled “Burnout Prevention for Conductors and Their Choirs” by Amelia Nagoski. You can read it in its entirety at Following is a portion from the article. _________________ Burnout does not happen because we did not try to take care of ourselves. We are all trying, all […]
How To Get Students To Accurately Self-Assess
Do you believe in self-assessment? Would your students accurately self-assess their rehearsal participation, sight-singing homework, or concert performance? Does self-assessment even matter? I believe it is the highest level of empowerment in student learning. It leads to ownership and develops critical thinking. This new blog post will explain the 3 keys to getting your students to […]
Ask Me LITERALLY Anything. Volume 1
Brought to you by members of my Patreon, who have collaborated with me to create this episode. This is the first time I have done a MULTI topic show. I think you will enjoy it!Support the Show! Topics in this short episode include: How are you navigating the return to “normal” activities? Do you get flack […]