Latest Blog Posts
Choral Ethics: Storytime-Two
This is a Choral Ethics Blog post repeat from several years ago. I need to slow down and plotting out the rest of the summer now seems like a smart idea. I try to be here, one way or another, every week because I know many of you look forward to this blog and I […]
Teaching Our Choirs to Listen with James Jordan
“If you don’t learn what listening is, your choirs will never sing in tune.” James Jordan is one of the most prolific choral conductors in the modern era. Not just in terms of performance and recordings, but also in scholarship and pedagogy. Introducing, the NEW GIA/Walton Series on Choralosophy! I recently had the privilege of attending two […]
Choral Ethics: Storytime-One
This is a Choral Ethics Blog post repeat from several years ago. I need to slow down and plotting out the rest of the summer now seems like a smart idea. I try to be here, one way or another, every week because I know many of you look forward to this blog and […]
Choral Ethics: My Quirky Choir Members
This is a Choral Ethics Blog post repeat from several years ago. I need to slow down and plotting out the rest of the summer now seems like a smart idea. I try to be here, one way or another, every week because I know many of you look forward to this blog and I […]
Advocacy & Collaboration Monthly Blog: “Raising the Voices of a Generation”
If you caught last month’s blog, you know over the last year that your Advocacy & Collaboration Standing Committee has been curating the most incredible A&C focus issue heading your way this fall (October to be specific)! To get everyone excited and ready for the new content coming, we wanted to highlight some of the […]
Music Literacy Live Hive Mind (Highlights with the Community)
Recently, we offered a free virtual meetup to practice “Choir Nerdery.” If you missed it, I have carefully curated some of the most useful and interesting moments for this episode. Discussion topics were derived from survey responses from 120 educators. The full 2 hour and 15 minute work session is available unedited over at Patreon or Substack for show […]
Choral Ethics: Why I’m a ChoralNet Blogger
This is a Choral Ethics Blog post repeat from several years ago. I need to slow down and plotting out the rest of the summer now seems like a smart idea. I try to be here, one way or another, every week because I know many of you look forward to this blog and I […]
ChoralEd: Selecting Appropriate Repertoire
When selecting repertoire for the choral ensemble a great deal of care and thought should be given to each song as this music will serve as your curriculum for roughly eight weeks of rehearsal. By selecting repertoire that is at the appropriate difficulty level, (as opposed to music that is too easy or difficult) you […]
Scoping the Literature of Transgender Singing: Experiences and Pedagogical Insights in Choral Contexts
The International Journal of Research in Choral Singing (IJRCS) is ACDA’s scholarly publication that welcomes studies that apply rigorous, systematically-grounded methodologies, either quantitative or qualitative, to investigate phenomena of potential interest to all who sing in, work with, or are otherwise interested in choral ensembles. Below is the abstract from this article, “Scoping the Literature […]
Choral Ethics: Music is the Easy Part
“I don’t care much about music. What I like is sounds.” Dizzy Gillespie When I was about 18 or 19, soon after I began my undergraduate program, my late mother, a coloratura soprano, told me music is the easy part of being a musician. Being 18 or 19 and knowing EVERYTHING (as you do) at […]