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Saturday Respite: Percussion
Saturday. You’re beat. So is this astounding drummer.
Stick Time: Conducting Study 2
Today we look at the conducting line. Notice in this brief example the graceful gestures used by the conductor, and how his fluid movements emulate the music and ultimately encourage the sound that is produced by the choir. Also note that the conductor uses a lateral motion to reinforce the phrase. In the space of […]
CJ Replay: Choral Conducting Auditions
Imagine for a moment a pianist who went in to audition for a jury and faced the following problems: 1) The piano, which he had had no opportunity to tryout previously, was out of tune, and he was expected to tune it in front of the jury. Sections of it needed voicing, and some notes […]
Creative Videos of Choral Music
I ran across these two interesting videos – fascinating, aren’t they? I’m not sure who “CAROSAXONE” is, but I really like the YouTube videos:
Omnes Generationes
For the first time in history, those of us that work with volunteers in our organizations are working with five living generations. Four of them are working together in the workplace and exist side by side as members of our choirs and potential volunteer leaders within our organizations. These five generations are: G.I. Generation […]
Stephen Colbert sings a cappella
With Michael Stipe of REM and producer Brian Eno. I notice Colbert is pretty closely glued to the teleprompter, though: h/t The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive h/t A Cappella News
Conductors from a singer’s perspective
Earlier I posted a singer's reaction, posted on her blog, to a conductor's audition. Now another conductor has auditioned, and here is her reflection. (Each conductor rehearsed and performed with the group.) [conductor] was providing positive reinforcement throughout the entire performance and was giving off this tuned-into-the-music but zoned-out-of-reality kind of vibe. That is […]
Top iPad Apps for Music Teachers
I saw this tweet other day from @katiesw1 where she discussed her choices for the top iPad apps for music teachers. Her list included: Garage Band ForScore SymphonyPro MadPad EverydayLooper DropBox Evernote To me, her list reminds me of the days of technology in music education when most of the discussion surrounded keyboards, […]
ChorusAmerica wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving
I didn’t know ChorusAmerica had a YouTube site, but they do . . . and here they are wishing the world a Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks, ChorusAmerica!
Favorite Thanksgiving Video
This is my favorite Thanksgiving video associated with choral music. Wait – strike that – this is my favorite choral music video of all time. Does anyone know of a better three minutes on YouTube? If I am remembering the original broadcast correctly, this hymn came at the very end of […]