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Innovators and Uģis Prauliņš
Have you ever noticed that American choirs tend to sing the same thing that other American choirs sing? In my opinion, there are very few innovators out there – conductors that bring the music of the rest of the world to our country. As for me, I count Kent Hatteberg as one of those people […]
Choir is Good for You (Duh!)
Welcome back. I found these two articles online over the summer. It's nothing revelatory to a choir director, but having science support us by showing the effects of singing in choir always helps. The first article is the most interesting to me: Researchers in Sweden monitored the heart rates of singers as they performed a […]
Composition Spotlight: “Island Spinning Song”
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig Welcome back to the Composition Spotlight. Each week we look at a piece or two of the best choral works posted in the Composition Showcase here on ChoralNet. This is where we store a treasure trove of works that your choirs will love to sing and your audiences will love […]
Beginning again: Choir Camp
Greetings, ChoralNet! It is good to be blogging here again. I thought I would start with something practical to begin the year. At Samford, we start our choir year with something called “Choir Camp.” It is a time when the students gather early on campus for an intense time of singing and rehearsal […]
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig Welcome back to the Composition Spotlight. Each week we look at a piece or two of the best choral works posted in the Composition Showcase here on ChoralNet. This is where we store a treasure trove of works that your choirs will love to sing and your […]
Auditioning Singers I
We're baaack! Hope you've had a good summer break! If you missed the end of my intonation series last spring, I'll post links at the end of this blog. Auditions are something most of us do to evaluate potential singers for our choirs. Some do it in the spring, some in the late […]
Inclusiveness in Music Education
An online survey is presenty underway that seeks information that will lead to a better understanding of how students with divergent needs are being included in music education environments. This brief nine-question survey broadly investigates educators’ training, perception, involvement, and needs. While the study aims to understand the state of inclusiveness in music education […]
“Five from the Folder: Treble Voices” by Heather Potter
FIVE FROM THE FOLDER: TREBLE VOICES by Heather Potter 1. “Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above.” Jody Lindh. Choristers Guild CGA583 Exuberant setting of a classic hymn text. A dynamic melody line is supported by a rhythmically driving accompaniment with accessible Orff parts. Fun to sing and hear. 2. “Ani Ma’amin.” Paul Caldwell […]
“Five from the Folder: Boychoir” by Mark Johnson
FIVE FROM THE FOLDER: BOYCHOIR by Mark Johnson 1. “Art Thou Troubled?” (“Dove Sei” from Rodelinda). George Frederick Handel. Unison; piano. Novello 16 0066 Art Song (easy); beautiful phrases, rhythmic variety – great for teaching basic singing skills. 2. “Sound the Trumpet.” Henry Purcell, ed. Erb. 2-part; piano. Lawson-Gould 787 Anthem (medium-difficult); beautiful […]
“Five from the Folder: Community SATB” by Ron Sayer
FIVE FROM THE FOLDER: COMMUNITY SATB by Ron Sayer 1. "Alleluia," Ralph Manuel, SATB divisi, a cappella, Hinshaw HMC927 With the single word Alleluia as its text, Manuel masterfully creates a selection that at times is quiet and simple and at others joyful and exuberant. Solid choral harmonies and a full range of dynamics […]