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Composition Spotlight: Chanukah Tonight
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (Each week we look at one or two of the best choral works posted in the Composition Showcase here on ChoralNet. This is where we store a treasure trove of works that your choirs will love to sing and your audiences will love to hear.) Chanukah Tonight by David Avshalomov […]
Defining the Term “Lucky Dog” in 25 Seconds
Lucky dog, lucky dog, I’m a lucky dog . . .
A LEGO Dream
It’s reasonable to assume that a great many kids (and some of us who are supposed to be adults) are hoping for a LEGO ® set under the tree next week. We will confess to just a wee bit of envy for this guy, whose entire house is made of the delightful little bricks.
Stick Time: What are We Taking for Granted?
We probably all take certain things for granted. We take the electricity in our home for granted (until the power goes out). We take our cars for granted (until they refuse to start). We take many of the positive day-to-day comforts of our country for granted (until we travel abroad). Some in our […]
Building Support, One Concert at a Time
Last year about this time in a column called “Choral Quid Pro Quo,” we discussed some ways in which choral directors can get a little something tangible in return for the many “freebie” holiday performances they give throughout their local area. This year, consider trading your performances for demonstrative gestures of community support for […]
What we can learn from John Wooden V
Following up on last week's post, based on the 2004 study that re-evaluated Gallimore and Tharp's earlier study of John Wooden's methods, we move to a different topic, that of Wooden's preparation for his practices (or for our rehearsals). As I mentioned last week, Gallimore and Tharp's 1976 study was based on observation of […]
How to Leave a Job
I've been thinking a lot about the unwritten rules of leaving a job (not because I am leaving, but because I know a number of colleagues and former students who are leaving or have left good programs in the last couple of years). I think a lot of us aren't really great at leaving, especially […]
Composition Spotlight: I Am The Vine
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (Each week we look at one or two of the best choral works posted in the Composition Showcase here on ChoralNet. This is where we store a treasure trove of works that your choirs will love to sing and your audiences will love to hear.) I Am The Vine […]