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ChoralTech: The 60 Second, In Rehearsal, Temperature Check
(image: In the middle of a rehearsal, it’s useful to be able to stop and get some feedback from the ensemble. Gauging the ensemble’s comfort level with a particular section, understanding of text, or even asking about the internal sound of a section from the singer’s perspective can lead to interesting and targeted […]
The Value of Choir to an Astronaut
We have noted a sudden uptick in the number of colleagues asking for help as they defend their art from a pernicious attack by their administration. Of course, when a music educator jumps to the defense of their program, they are said to be “protecting their job.” Should they enlist the testimony of an […]
NEW FEATURE: “Who’s in Your Choir . . . ?”
Last week we launched a new ChoralBuzz feature, “Who’s in Your Choir . . . ?” Each Friday we will share a photo of a notable person who sang in their school choir. Beyond the obvious list of singers (yes, we will eventually highlight Kristin Chenoweth), we will also include actors, athletes, astronauts, and other […]
What we can learn from John Wooden IV
I based the previous two blog posts on a 1974 study by Professors Ronald Gallimore and Roland Tharp published in Psychology Today in 1976. In 2004 they re-visited the research and re-evaluated the data, resulting in the following study (as always, I recommend reading it for yourself–it's not long). They note that, "much of […]
GUEST BLOG: “Sabbatical,” by Tim Sharp
SABBATICAL by Tim Sharp For the last two months, I have engaged in a “deep dive.” I have had the opportunity and the time to follow some hunches, plunge into a network of ideas, and to complete projects of research and writing that have been developing over some time. The time-honored name for […]
The Choir as a Governmental Template?
(This is an excerpt from a column titled, “If Congress Were a Choir,” by Margaret Evans. Used here with the gracious permission of the author and the Low Country Weekly, Beaufort, South Carolina.) A choir is not a Democracy. It's not even a Republic. You might call it a dictatorship. But it's a voluntary […]