Choral Clarity Presents: This 9 question choral midterm is the most effective way to measure the success of our students. This midterm will require no studying or preparation on the part of our students. It will, however, require some deep thinking while taking very little time to complete. Will you and your students meet this exam with […]
The Complex Ancestry of “We Shall Overcome”
The February 2014 issue of Choral Journal included three feature articles titled “Musical Settings of War Texts in Two 20th-Century British Choral Works,” “The Choral Music of Margaret Ruthven Lang,” and “The Complex Ancestry of ‘We Shall Overcome.’” The last article will be the subject of today’s ChoralNet blog, going along with last week’s article that coincided […]
Calling All Bloggers!
Do you have strong opinions or funny anecdotes about choral music, conducting, rehearsal techniques, or whether or not “concert black” is becoming passé? You should blog about it! ChoralNet is seeking new bloggers to either become regular contributors or to contribute to our “From Our Readers” blog section. If you’d like to write something for […]
Find Your Forte Throwback: 10 Ways to prevent choir zombie syndrome, with Ryan Main
Learn 10 ways Ryan Main gets his middle and high school choirs to be more expressive when they sing, preventing “Choir Zombie Syndrome”. Listen to the episode and read the show notes HERE!
Working with Parents in your Choral Music Classroom Part 2
Working with Parents in your Choral Music Classroom, Part 2: Parent Volunteers are an invaluable resource in our music classrooms. In part 1 of this series, I wrote about how to get started. In part 2, I am going to write specifically about three characters I’ve encountered along the way and how […]
Start the period off right for a peaceful and focused rehearsal, with Ryan Guth
January is a new beginning for you as a choral director! If you need to gain more discipline in your choir, try this. I’ve used this technique for years with my middle school choirs to get them more focused. It works every time! This is a podcast, click HERE to listen! The focused hallway technique […]