By Pat Guth When you’ve taken on the reins of a non-auditioned choir or – in my case – purposely formed one from scratch, you shoulder a plethora of challenges that conductors of auditioned or professional choirs will never face. Some of these challenges can be quite tricky, especially when you’re keen to welcome everyone […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Be well
By Ramona M. Wis “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” Julian of Norwich (1342-1416), Christian mystic I have loved these words since I first heard them in Joan Szymko’s “Vivos Voco” for women’s voices. I began using this phrase in March as my email sign […]
Leading Voices: Spring 2020, A Look in the Rear-View Mirror
Like many of us, I can clearly remember where I was on 9/11. In the months and years later, after this tragic event, our world and our model of national security evolved and changed into a new recognition of personal and social safety. Now, after months of teaching online this Spring, attending Zoom meetings, […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Tapas (or “The best way out is always through”)
By Ramona M. Wis I have to admit, I am feeling the heat. Virtual rehearsal planning. Technology. Pandemic updates. Constant communication. Summer heat. Conductors are tough folks—we know what it’s like to feel the heat and find ways to get through it. Though “no pain, no gain” is usually considered an athlete’s mantra, musicians live this, as well. Usually the […]
Non-auditioned Choirs – and Their Conductors – Are at the Heart of Community Singing
By Pat Guth For the first 40 years of my musical career, I spent a lot of time dealing with “imposter syndrome” – that nagging feeling when you doubt your accomplishments and have a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud.” Maybe you’ve been there, too. It’s not uncommon among artists of all […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Still the Mind Chatter
By Ramona M. Wis Last week, we looked at the importance of “making space” if we want something new, presumably better, to enter our lives. By releasing pursuits, ideas, or habits that no longer serve us, we make space to move forward to new opportunities, insight, or energy. To some degree, this release requires detaching from the […]