By Rebecca Lord Conducting today can feel like it requires a graduate degree in technology. This article will provide tech solutions, simple to complex. Recommendations and video examples come from music-technology professionals, conductors, and internationally recognized virtual choir leaders. REHEARSAL SUCCESS IN A LAND OF LATENCY Before COVID-19, how many of us knew about Zoom […]
The Conductor as Yogi: The Well Choir (Move)
By Ramona M. Wis “Movement is essential.” Katy Bowman, M.S., biomechanist I just finished my first week of fall classes: five rehearsals and two non-performance class meetings, all online. While it was different, the experience was enlightening, connected, and inspiring on many levels. The unsolicited feedback from students after the first day of rehearsals was very positive and […]
The Non-auditioned Choir: Dealing with Divas
By Pat Guth Every choir has them. The diva, divo, prima donna, egotist…whatever you prefer to call them. Whether you’re waving your arms in front of a choir of professionals or tending to an ensemble of amateurs, you’ve no doubt come across at least a singer or two who views himself/herself as superior to others […]
The Conductor as Yogi: (Still) Singing for the Greater Good
By Ramona M. Wis Singing for the Greater Good has been our choirs’ “North Star” for several years, evolving as we became more and more aware of the broader, deeper, more impactful aspects of the choral music making process. Singing for the Greater Good unites us, guides our decision making, and recalibrates us when challenges arise, as they […]
Top 2020 Choral Solutions During the Pandemic: A Fast Track to Success
By Rebecca Lord Tired of reading long lists? Overwhelmed with too many ideas, platforms, and resources? Need immediate, workable solutions for your choir during the pandemic? Then this article is for you. The recommendations included are tried and true, offered by those among us who have blazed the trails with their choirs through the early […]
The Conductor as Yogi: The Well Choir (Breath)
By Ramona M. Wis “Better breathing means a better and healthier life.” B.K.S. Iyengar Singers are professional breathers. We take what is a normal part of our human functioning and turn it into a specialized art. But have we perfected breath for the art of wellness, as well as singing? I have been singing for a long time, […]