I used the phrase above to introduce my students to their last in-class activity before we left for online learning this Spring. It was titled “What Would it Look Like”? I was interested in getting their input and ideas on what online choir assignments might look like. The objective of this activity was to have […]
The Conductor as Yogi: You already are one
With this post, Dr. Ramona Wis begins a weekly blog series entitled The Conductor as Yogi. In the same way The Conductor as Leader applied foundational leadership principles to our conductor-teacher-leader roles, The Conductor as Yogi blog will explore mindfulness, wellness, inspirational writings, and classic yoga philosophy and practice to encourage readers towards greater wholeness […]
Leading Voices: Building A Community of Practice
In my last blog Agile Centered Instruction, I closed with the following quote: “Tell me, and I forget, teach me, and I may remember, involve me, and I learn” (Xun Kuang). This quote sums up my experience and sometimes frustration with the education profession for the last fifty-five years. “Tell me, and I forget” is […]
NEW DEADLINE: Julius Herford Dissertation Prize
ANNOUNCING: 2019 JULIUS HERFORD DISSERTATION PRIZECALL FOR NOMINATIONS >>NEW SUBMISSION DEADLINE: July 15, 2020<< The Julius Herford Dissertation Prize: Each year the Julius Herford Prize Subcommittee of the Research and Publications Committee accepts nominations for the outstanding doctoral terminal research project in choral music. Projects are eligible if they comprise the principal research component of […]
Leading Voices: Agile Centered Instruction
Agile Marked by ready ability to move with quick, easy grace – an agile dancer. Having a quick resourceful and adaptable character – an agile mind. Agile Centered Instruction Identified by flexible and varied instruction – an agile educator. At the beginning of teaching online, I became acutely aware that my students were struggling due […]
Leading Voices: Creating a New Pedagogy for Music Education
In my last blog, Reimagining and Improving Instruction, I closed with a profound quote by Jerome Bruner in which he challenges our awareness and understanding of instruction and reminds us of our responsibility as educators: “Pedagogy is never innocent. It is a medium that carries its own message.” (Bruner,1997, p.63). This quote made me stop […]