Ramona M. Wis We are nearing the end of a year that will forever remain in our minds, our hearts, and our personal narratives. A year that, when we look back, will be that slowly unfolding “moment” where we dug deep, fought a relentless pandemic, considered serious questions and made important decisions, found new skills and […]
The Friday Principle
By Mark Lawley One Friday many years ago I was going about my teaching with extra enthusiasm and zest. I moved from class to class, from lesson to lesson, with a heightened sense of exuberance! All of a sudden I paused to consider why I was so energized. I came to the realization that the […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Action as Agency
By Ramona M. Wis Rise Up! There shall never be another season of silence. Deepen your sympathy, then convert it to action. Pray every single second of your life, not on your knees but with your work. Think your best thoughts, Speak your best words, Do your best work. There is so much yet to […]
Peak Performance: What It Takes to Produce the Best from Anyone
By Stuart Hunt Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary achievement from ordinary people.– Brian Tracy Never mistake activity for achievement.– John Wooden Have you ever pondered just what it takes to produce world-class results? Genetics . . . coaching . . . “the breaks”? Thirty years of research into this particular question produced detailed […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Our Great Work (Dharma)
By Ramona M. Wis “People actually feel happiest and most fulfilled when meeting the challenge of their dharma in the world, when bringing highly concentrated effort to some compelling activity for which they have a true calling.” Stephen Cope One of the best books I have ever read is Stephen Cope’s The Great Work of Your Life. Subtitled, “A […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Gossip
“To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea.” Henry David Thoreau Throughout the month of October, I’d like to revisit some of the staple issues of Choral Ethics. I’ve written a BUNCH about each of these subjects during the […]