“Truth is always strange, stranger than fiction.” Lord Byron Since writing about Choral Ethics here on ChoralNet, I have received a number of emails. Folks who contact me either want to thank me or to tell me their stories. And their stories are amazing. Some seem outlandish at the outset, but then I follow up […]
Choral Culture
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Cinderella At Home
“There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” Jane Austen I am not in Kansas City this week. I wish I could be, but I can’t. I am in the middle of rehearsals and in the middle of auditions and our master bath is being remodeled; you get the idea. Things snuck up […]
Choral Potpourri: Collaborations
“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” Mattie Stepanek Does your choral organization collaborate? I’m sure you occasionally work with other music groups, such as your school’s orchestra or band or perhaps your local symphony. Do you ever think outside of the box with your collaborations? I was […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Auditions
“My singing voice is somewhere between a drunken apology and a plumbing problem.” Colin Firth I am in the midst of my audition cycle. I hold auditions for both my fall and spring concert cycles, so this is the second go-around for me during our concert season. So far, so good. I recently recalled an […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Home Again
“I do not agree with Thomas Wolfe… about anything. You can go home again as long as you don’t expect home to be what it was when you left it. Or you don’t expect yourself to be what you were when you left home.” Raymond Burr Beginning this week and throughout February, I will be […]
10 Tips For Gaining Rehearsal Time
Do you need more rehearsal time? Who doesn’t? I can’t give you more minutes with your students but I can offer some tips to gain rehearsal time. Here are: 10 Tips for GainingRehearsal Time