VOCAL ADVANTAGE: BREATH (part 1), by Dina Else Welcome back! As your semester has started hopefully you have managed to convince your students that optimal body alignment is a huge key to their success as singers. Now on to the topic of breath! Historically breath has been a hotly contested subject with drastically […]
Composition Spotlight: “Island Spinning Song”
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig Welcome back to the Composition Spotlight. Each week we look at a piece or two of the best choral works posted in the Composition Showcase here on ChoralNet. This is where we store a treasure trove of works that your choirs will love to sing and your audiences will love […]
Inclusiveness in Music Education
An online survey is presenty underway that seeks information that will lead to a better understanding of how students with divergent needs are being included in music education environments. This brief nine-question survey broadly investigates educators’ training, perception, involvement, and needs. While the study aims to understand the state of inclusiveness in music education […]
“Five from the Folder: Treble Voices” by Heather Potter
FIVE FROM THE FOLDER: TREBLE VOICES by Heather Potter 1. “Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above.” Jody Lindh. Choristers Guild CGA583 Exuberant setting of a classic hymn text. A dynamic melody line is supported by a rhythmically driving accompaniment with accessible Orff parts. Fun to sing and hear. 2. “Ani Ma’amin.” Paul Caldwell […]
“Five from the Folder: Boychoir” by Mark Johnson
FIVE FROM THE FOLDER: BOYCHOIR by Mark Johnson 1. “Art Thou Troubled?” (“Dove Sei” from Rodelinda). George Frederick Handel. Unison; piano. Novello 16 0066 Art Song (easy); beautiful phrases, rhythmic variety – great for teaching basic singing skills. 2. “Sound the Trumpet.” Henry Purcell, ed. Erb. 2-part; piano. Lawson-Gould 787 Anthem (medium-difficult); beautiful […]
“Five from the Folder: Community SATB” by Ron Sayer
FIVE FROM THE FOLDER: COMMUNITY SATB by Ron Sayer 1. "Alleluia," Ralph Manuel, SATB divisi, a cappella, Hinshaw HMC927 With the single word Alleluia as its text, Manuel masterfully creates a selection that at times is quiet and simple and at others joyful and exuberant. Solid choral harmonies and a full range of dynamics […]