This is the 5th and final posting in the five-part series called “Why Won’t My Middle School Choir Sing?” To start with the first reason, click here! Reason #5: We don’t know how to introduce music. It is possible to turn this age group against a new piece of music in the three minutes of […]
Why Won’t My Middle School Choir Sing Part 4
This is part 4 of the series “Why Won’t My Middle School Choir Sing?” Click here to see the first post in the series! Reason #4: We focus too much on technique and not enough on developing their true artistry. In my 24 years of teaching this age group, I’ve seen lots of middle school […]
Why Won’t My Middle School Choir Sing Part 3
Why Won’t My Middle School Choir Sing? Part 3 This is the third post in a five-part series from “In the Middle With Mr D” called “Why Won’t My Middle School Choir Sing?” Link to Reason #1 of “Why Won’t My Middle School Choir Sing?” Here is Reason #3 We don’t publicly celebrate and recognize […]
Why Won’t My Middle School Choir Sing? Part 2
This is a five-part series designed to help other middle school choir teachers determine why their middle school beginning singers are unmotivated to sing in their classrooms. Click here to go to blog post #1 in which I state the first reason I believe causes students not to sing in our classrooms. Reason #2: They don’t […]
Why Won’t My Middle School Choir Sing? Part 1
“Why won’t my middle school choir sing?” I saw the above comment a while back on a Facebook Music Group, and it reminded me of my early years of teaching this very unique age group. It’s frustrating, and I believe it’s quite commonly experienced in middle school choral classrooms across America. You ask yourself, “Why […]