I work to avoid posts of a political nature on this blog. However, this bit of news played into an ongoing discussion regarding copyright that we have in this space: Top-ranking Obama administration officials, including the U.S. copyright czar, played an active role in secret negotiations between Hollywood, the recording industry and ISPs to disrupt […]
Search Results for: copyright
The Walrus and the Carpenter, SATB & piano (13:20)
By James Johnson ASCAP 1551618. I finally completed this work, having begun imagining it many years ago. I believe it is the first musical setting of this darkly humorous poem from Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. Briefly, Alice encounters a pair of chubby twins named Tweedledum and Tweedledee who recite the poem to […]
Mind Your Business: Mechanical License Fees
Recently, we received a call asking if ACDA provided mechanical licensing. The answer is, of course, no. Here is a brief review of of mechanical license procedure from SoundWaves. “If you are making recordings be aware that you are legally allowed to make only one copy for use in the classroom without being required […]
Insert Tortoise joke here
A commenter on Philip's recent post about copyrighting the Dead Sea Scrolls mentioned that although the scrolls themselves might be in public domain, photographs of them might be copyrightable. This might be true technically, but it violates the purpose of copyright, which is to protect creative work. Some photographs are artistic and obviously should […]
Contacting the Publishers Directly about YouTube
I was pleased to find another choral musician publicizing information about YouTube performances of choral music. Jack Senzig, director of the Gifford Children’s Choir of Racine, WI, has been a choral director for 20+ years and he's trying to provide a useful service for my professional colleagues. He has created a site called the […]
He only needs one name in the choral world: Eric. Is he our Madonna? or Sting? A fantastic article in the LA Times, with thanks to Julie Laylander for pointing me to this article. My favorite quotes: “The composer in me wants to think that it’s happening because I’m tapping […]