A counterpoint to yesterday’s post by Philip supporting John Mackey’s argument (posted on Whitacre’s blog) that self-publishing is a better deal for composers. The counter-argument is, that if a publisher can sell 1,000 copies and you get 10%, you’re better off than if you keep 100% of 12 copies sold through your website. The […]
Search Results for: copyright
Steal This Concert
In 1971, Abbie Hoffman wrote a book entitiled Steal This Book as a countercultural manifesto. The equivalent in the digital age is to encourage people to share recordings of your performances: At the Straight No Chaser concert in Fort Wayne on Friday night, the typical ban on recording the concert was lifted. “We wouldn’t […]
Music downloads are not performances, court rules
A Second Circuit Court of Appeals handed down mixed results for Internet music providers today in a ruling in New York. The appeals panel rejected claims by the royalty group ASCAP that downloads were live performances and said that transfers alone didn’t amount to a public airing. Terms in the Copyright Act made it clear that a performance involved […]
Better clear out your library while you can
For over a century it’s been considered settled law that one you have bought a copy of a copyrighted work, you own that copy and can resell it, give it away, or lend it. The Copyright Act of 1976 explicitly allows this. This allows libraries and used bookstores to thrive, and allows a much wider […]
License to practice
OneLicense.net is a clearinghouse for churches which want to get licenses to reprint hymns, songs, and anthems in their bulletins or project them on screens. Like Harry Fox for recordings, OneLicense.net allows one-stop shopping as a convenience to publishers and musicians alike. Their latest initiative is the "Practice Track License", which allows you to […]