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Highlighting what we sing: Using Google Docs for Choir Tasks
I am exploring different ways of using Google Docs for my choirs and I hit upon a new one today: highlighting the text. Here was my task: I’m working up Mendelssohn’s “Die erste Walpurgisnacht” for the Alabama Symphony My chorus speaks Alabama, not German Our language expert is coming Monday to help us I […]
Will the Apple “iPad” Revolutionize Music Publishing?
After the much anticipated announcement of the release of the Apple tablet, the “iPad“, yesterday – it got me thinking – will this finally be the step that makes digital music stands a reality? Perhaps with the price tag starting at $499 per iPad, maybe not just yet. However, I can’t help but to think […]
Like Leonardo
ACDA Executive Director Tim Sharp is blogging (and twittering). His most recent blog takes a look at some of the habits of Leonardo Da Vinci: -Leonardo kept a notebook, writing all of his ideas down, no matter how trivial or inconsequential. He tied his notebook around his waist and it served as his constant companion. In […]
How do you recruit?
Are you adept at recruiting students to your program? A favorite music blog of mine deals with the essence of good recruiting: I have picked up recruiting pointers along the way. (An athletics director at Oxymoron was particularly helpful in suggesting ways to make students feel welcome, even if one is on a limited recruiting […]
Leadership Opportunities in ACDA
From the ACDA website: The American Choral Directors Association is now accepting applications for positions on the Choral Journal Editorial Board as well as for chairs on the National Repertoire & Standards Committee. Both areas are part of ACDA’s six standing committee structure, and represent excellent national leadership opportunities for interested and qualified members. Choral Journal, […]
Time to Vote ACDA
It is time to vote if you are an ACDA member! Deadline is Monday, January 25, 2010. ACDA’s National Nominations Committee and National Board are pleased to offer candidates Karen Fulmer and Donald Trott for your consideration for National President-elect-Designate. Each candidate brings strong credentials and significant ideas for the future of ACDA. For a Vision […]
Singing in Haiti brings relief
Tom Lloyd sent me a story about singing providing the Haitians some relief from the disaster. For more than a week, there have been stories about Haitians struggling to cope with the destruction of their country. But even amid the rubble, there are moments of reprieve. In this audio postcard, we hear how some women […]
Chanticleer on Prairee Home Companion
In case you missed it, Chanticleer was on the Prairie Home Companion this past weekend. You can hear it here in case you missed it! You will also hear mezzo soprano Frederica von Stade. A great program! Hat tip.
Jane Glover on Mozart’s Requiem
Jane Glover, Music Director of Chicago’s Music of the Baroque since 2002, speaks about the Mozart Requiem. She said that Mozart spoke about death very positively, and that the Requiem should always be sung in a spirit of praise, not sadness. Hear the whole thing here. Jane Glover on “Mozart—The Requiem” from Music […]