-Leonardo kept a notebook, writing all of his ideas down, no matter how trivial or inconsequential. He tied his notebook around his waist and it served as his constant companion. In one margin he wrote he was taking a break from work “perche la minestra si fredda” (“because the soup is getting cold”). Sure, it is a great reason to stop, but why write it down? That was what he did. No idea was trivial. (Was he the original “Twitterer”?)
I keep a notebook and write every idea down. I value it so much that I give Moleskine notebooks as graduation gifts telling my students to “fill it up”. I also encourage those that work with me to keep a log of their ideas.
Like Tim and Leonardo, I keep a notebook and mine happens to be a Moleskine that I “hacked” into a wallet so that it is always with me. I got tired of losing everything I ever wrote and digital notes never worked for me.
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