Latest Blog Posts
The War on Pronouns, cont’d
(one in an occasional series highlighting ridiculous inclusive-language overkill, without regard for the scansion, meaning, or music.) Today’s example is a relatively mild one, yet with important philosophical ramifications. This week’s lectionary includes Psalm 149, whose fourth verse begins as follows: For the Lord takes pleasure in his people… at least in the distant […]
A Random Act of Culture
These mass events are really catching on and I love it:
Two Words
I have a research project I am pursuing this Thanksgiving month (Thursday, November 25, in the U.S.), and I would love to have others join me in their own personalized version of this process. Immediately after I graduated from High School, my family moved to the other end of the state. That fall, I […]
The Sound of Spirit – Arvo Pärt in NY Times
In case you missed it, Arvo Part was featured in the New York Times a couple of weeks ago. With a new job and busier life than ever, I've missed bringing it to your attention: Last month, Pärt marked his 75th birthday, and the event was celebrated with a festival of his music throughout Estonia, […]
Lady Gaga Goes A Cappella
I shared this with my choir a couple of weeks ago but forgot to share it here – a tremendous trio of singers does Lady Gaga: Who are these kids, and did they write the music down? (edited for egregious grammatical errors late morning – plc)
The A Cappella Flash Mob
Incredible – found on A Cappella News. Well done! Well done!
They aren’t singing anymore . . . .
Congregations aren't singing anymore and most worship leaders haven't noticed. I discovered this fascinating blog post pointed from a Facebook post courtesy of Samford wonder-student and ChoralNet member Peter Haley: The people in our churches aren't singing anymore – not really. To be sure, there are many churches that have congregations singing with enthusiasm, but generally […]
Liz Garrett hits it on the head again with a post about blending from a singer’s, rather than a director’s, perspective: I have tried twice without success to join choirs that do 3 and 4 part harmony. I get rejected after a few sessions as i am told my voice does not blend. I know […]
Happy Halloween!
Choir boy jack: And don’t forget that it’s a religious holiday, the eve of All Saints’ Day.
ACDA Transparency
The term transparency, when applied to an association such as the American Choral Directors Association, implies openness, communication, and accountability. For an association, transparent procedures include financial disclosure statements, democratic elections and election audits, regular budgetary review and audits, and open meetings and communication procedures. With ACDA and its added performance and publication focus, transparency […]