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Rehearsal from hell
Part of a (possibly fictional) rehearsal attended by a gig musician preparing a one-shot gig with Smokey Robinson (the “he” referenced in the first paragraph is Smokey’s music director): He walked into the room with his ego draped around him like a large winter coat. He was truly impressed with himself, and he had […]
Saturday Respite: Mozart Bossa Nova
Whew, Saturday. Time for a break . . .
End of Semester Reflection
Here are a few brief questions to ask yourself in the quiet of your own thoughts as this semester draws to a close . . . <> Did the repertoire meet the needs of the choir? <> Is the choir better today than it was on September 1? <> Are the individual choir members […]
CJ Replay: High School Vocal Abuse
“ . . . it is clear that in Greek and Roman times, in the writings of Hippocrates, Aristotle, Quintilian and others, the basic tenets of vocal hygiene were already outlined: regular physical exercise, careful eating habits, avoidance of vocal strain, and simple living.” “Anyone who has taught in a high school is aware that […]
CJ Replay: Successful Women Conductors
“All too often, a women’s choir is a kind of leftover group, seen as a fallback for singers who are not selected for a mixed ensemble or for less experienced singers at the freshmen level of high school or college. Competition with other ensembles at the school or in the community is made more difficult […]
Brain Bubbles: Wash the Dishes
“There’s nothing like coming home to a clean house.” So goes the slogan of a well-known home cleaning service, and they are absolutely correct – walking into a freshly cleaned house after a long day is a great feeling. The reverse is also true isn’t it? Padding into the kitchen in the morning […]