Latest Blog Posts
Advice for lost graduate students
Ariel Rubinstein gives some entertaining advice for grad students in econ which might apply to music as well: Do not attend too many seminars in your own field. Otherwise you may simply end up adding a comment to the existing literature, which is mostly made up of comments on previous comments which were themselves only […]
Sunday Inspiration: Corala Armonia
Happy New Year!
My “Tenth” Lesson, of King’s Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
In 2004 while on sabbatical study leave in Cambridge, England, and thanks to the kindness of my faculty sponsors there, my family and I were able to attend the annual King's College Lessons and Carols service that takes place in the King's College Chapel on Christmas Eve. As the program states, "the service starts a […]
Ouch! The truth hurts
This from an article titled the Choral Dirge – complaints about choir concerts. I agree with most of them: 1. Composers like to write tediously slow, earnest music. Most of the contemporary repertoire sounds like a dirge, with the same superficially complex harmonies borrowed from the Lauridsen and Whitacre cannons. There’s little rhythmicality and joy […]
Sicut Cervus – chant online
I first shared these chant videos on the ChoralBlog on July 22, 2011. Take a moment to enjoy this Sicut Cervus and work towards performing more chant in the coming year!
Blogs that enrage (or inspire) us, part 1
It is that time of the year when we take stock of our efforts. I don’t think we’ve ever done that with the blog here, so I did this year. I was interested in the blogs that inspired ChoralNet members to respond. This is what I found. As of December 13, 2011 there were […]
Blogs that enrage (or inspire) us, part 2
This blog is the second part of a post I started yesterday. Since it is that time of the year when we take stock of our yearly efforts, I was interested in the blogs that inspired ChoralNet members to respond. This is what I found. As of December 13, 2011 there were thirty blogs […]
Calgary Video of Singing Tweets Viral
Try hot yoga! Or a nose hat! Calgary Philharmonic Chorus has a big hit this winter – singing Tweets about how to keep warm! When I first saw it, there were 20,000 hits and that has turned into 56,459 at the time I posted this on 12/13/2011. This from the Calgary Herald: […]
John Cage will snap you out of that holiday feeling
Joshua Bronfman pointed me to this site that featured “Aria” by John Cage:
American Women Feature Vocal Fry Frequently
Remember this from Vocal Pedagogy class? From ScienceMag.Org: A curious vocal pattern has crept into the speech of young adult women who speak American English: low, creaky vibrations, also called vocal fry. Pop singers, such as Britney Spears, slip vocal fry into their music as a way to reach low notes and add style. […]