Latest Blog Posts
Choral Caffeine: A Wake-up Call
No matter how fast we work, it seems as though the “To Do’ list grows out of control at this crazy-busy time of the season. Unfortunately, amid the myriad details swirling around us in that twisting vortex, it is all too easy to lose sight of the humanity of our craft. We become bedazzled by […]
Elementary Vocal Jazz
(From the interest session "Elementary Vocal Jazz Concepts," by Natalie Wilson. Presented during the 2012 Northwestern Division Conference) The mere concept of singing vocal jazz creates some discomfort for many choral conductors. Some common concerns are: <> The rhythm section <> Use of straight tone <> Intricate harmonies <> Appropriate […]
Start your own choir in one not-so-easy lesson
A number of readers have started their own choirs. But have you done it in equatorial Africa, with no instruments, no music teachers, no music literacy? And what would be your first piece? Why, Carmina Burana, of course. 60 Minutes reports. (Sorry, can't embed.) The video starts with lots of discussion on how the […]
Transforming one man
A great video that demonstrates the power of music:
CCMC Composer of the Month: Greg Bartholomew
The Composers of Choral Music Community ChoralNet Composer of the Month for April, 2012 is Greg Bartholomew. Excerpt from blog post: The quintessential element that separates choral composers from instrumental composers is of course, text. How a composer handles that text speaks volumes to the quality of the work. Greg […]
Saturday Respite: Bobby Troup
Smooth our those edges on this Saturday . . .