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Saturday Respite: Singing the Praises of Chocolate
I'm not sure which was funnier, the thoroughly befuddled conductor or the ego-maniacal singers.
Teaching Musical Citizenship
According to current census data, far less than a third of Americans have an undergraduate college education – 27.2% to be exact. The numbers are even worse for advanced degrees; only 8.9% hold a Master’s degree, with just 3% having earned a doctorate. (In Friday's ChoralBlog, Joshua Bronfman will make some fascinating observations about the […]
Composition Spotlight: Do Not Stand at My Grave
Composition Spotlight ~ by Jack Senzig (Each week we look at a piece of useful repertoire from the ChoralNet Community Composition Showcase. A variety of voicings and levels of difficulty will be presented. Enjoy!) Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep by Janet Lanier for TTBB and piano Level: High school […]
Choral Music of the Americas
This looks quite interesting: The North Dakota State University Department of Music and the American Choral Directors Association announce the NDSU Choral Symposium: Music of the Americas, May 3-5, 2013, in Fargo, ND. This event will showcase the choral music and traditions of North, Central, and South America. The focus of the symposium will […]
Technology enables art in Les Miserable
Singers and musicians will be interested int he technical adjustments that make the new movie version of Les Miserable possible in a movie to be released this Christmas. I still remember the first time I saw this show. I was in London, probably in 1989, and sitting high in the balcony behind a post […]
Studying Choral Music and Musicians – a click away
I hope everyone that follows choral music is aware of the International Journal of Research in Choral Singing – an online resource that is edited by James Daugherty. We are fortunate to have this journal and I’m glad that it is now officially associated with ACDA. From the ACDA website: “We are delighted that […]
Guest Blog: Have YOU Ever Done It?
Have YOU Ever Done It? ~ by Mike O'Neill I often find myself having to defend the art form called barbershop that I so passionately love when conversing with other fellow music educators. The sense I get is my involvement in barbershop isn’t ‘legitimate’ music making. I can honestly say that I have learned […]
ACDA Member Lost to West Nile
Sometimes, news of dreaded conditions or situations seem far-removed from our individual spheres. We watch news of storms, of tragic events, or of epidemics and silently comfort ourselves thinking that it happens to “other” people. Not so today. The West Nile virus has come close to home with the passing of ACDA leader […]
The Bully Pulpit
Everyone, Might you be interested in speaking from the bully pulpit of choral music? Wikipedia gives this description of a bully pulpit: position of authority of sufficiently high rank that provides the holder with an opportunity to speak out and be listened to on any matter. The bully pulpit can bring issues […]