I’ve been hired this month to interim for a choir, to help them transition to their new director who starts next month. The first thing I did–because I knew this would be a tough gig–was to buy a big box from Costco of REESE PEANUT BUTTER CUPS! Yes, I really did. And if rehearsals and services go well, I give myself at least one, if not two, peanut butter cups as reward. And, I too, remember this commerical and like it then and like it now. Chocolate helps. And I deserve it after listening to an accompanist tell me singers aren’t really musicians. I didn’t bite her head off–but I wanted to!
And here’s a very fun choral piece about the wonderfulness of chocolate, “The Chocolate Carol” by David Avshalomov: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSVe_8mf6Wk
Available here: http://www.davidavshalomov.com/musical-works/90405-2/
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