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Music Within Reach: Starting the Year With Renaissance Music
It is my opinion that we choral directors neglect to program enough Renaissance music for our choirs. Perhaps we are afraid to tackle the beast of teaching imitative polyphony, or maybe we are intimidated by the presumed correct performance practices of such music, as evidenced in near-flawless recordings that are available today. Whatever the reason, […]
Choral Potpourri: Choral Ethics; Judging Our Colleagues
“If you haven’t got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me.” Alice Roosevelt Longworth It does no good to gossip about our colleagues and their ensembles. It doesn’t help the arts community in general or the choral community specifically to “bad mouth” others. We are all in this together and the […]
The Power of Positive Planning for Choir
Choral Clarity Presents: The two most important goals for successfully starting off the year are to create a positive/nurturing learning environment and to set/reinforce clear rules and procedures. The Power of Positive Planning for Choir Choral Clarity will share several articles with ChoralNet this month on preparing for the first rehearsal and ensuring the first few rehearsals […]
Notes for Success: Building a Strong Choral Sound
In May, August, and September 2015, the Choral Journal featured a three-part article series titled “Notes for Success: Advice for the First-Year Choral Teacher.” As part of the series, 11 choral conductors with teaching experience ranging from 4 to 34 years answered 10 questions related to setting expectations for your first year, classroom management, balancing a successful […]
Music Within Reach: Accessible Mendelssohn
I just returned from an incredible week at The Eastman School of Music, where a group of us studied, conducted, and sang Mendelssohn’s Elijah with William Weinert and Craig Hella Johnson. Though I had sung the great work before, this institute afforded me the opportunity to examine it on a much deeper level. In doing […]
Choral Potpourri: Choral Ethics; Catching Up
“Theater people are always pining and agonizing because they’re afraid that they’ll be forgotten. And in America they’re quite right. They will be.” Agnes de Mille Today we revisit two Choral Ethics stories. One is a follow-up with a happier ending. And the other is not totally a happy ending. Do you remember Jackie*? Her […]
High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass
This week on Going Beyond Words and ACDA Radio, Host Stan Schmidt invites you to tune up your Banjo, Violin and String Bass and prepare yourselves for a musical treat based on some of this country’s most popular gospel and hymn melodies. “Come Away to the Skies: A High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass” by Wes Ramsey and Dr. Tim Sharp, Executive Director of the ACDA will be the feature work on the program.
Notes for Success: Setting Realistic Expectations
In May, August, and September 2015, the Choral Journal featured a three-part article series titled “Notes for Success: Advice for the First-Year Choral Teacher.” As part of the series, 11 choral conductors with teaching experience ranging from 4 to 34 years answered 10 questions related to setting expectations for your first year, classroom management, balancing a successful […]
Music Within Reach: Christmas in July
I know, I know. It is bad enough that stores start carrying back-to-school items in July or that a certain TV channel shows Christmas movies for over a week in the summer. But here on ChoralNet, too? Listen, we choral directors have to plan! For some, rehearsing holiday music can begin as early as September, […]
Choral Potpourri: Take a Chance
“Necessity is the mother of taking chances.” Mark Twain July is winding down; August is almost here and summer is a bit more than half over. During the month of July, here at Choral Potpourri Blog we’ve tried to get you thinking of ways to hit the ground running this fall. Today, the last Thursday […]