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A Visit With John Rutter
This week on GBW and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet, Host Stan Schmidt invites you to a visit with British Composer John Rutter and lets you hear three selection never heard on Going Beyond Words. About 1984 I received a call from my friend John Rutter. He said that he has just developed his own record company (Collegium […]
Voice Anatomy for the Choir Classroom – Demonstrations and Activities
The effective and fun projects for the choral classroom show your students how to build a larynx, and lung to better understand the mechanics for singing. It also aids students in their understanding of concise terminology to describe in detail how their voice is working for them.
ChorTeach Index Spotlight: Community Choirs
ChorTeach is ACDA’s quarterly publication for choral conductors and teachers at all levels. It is published online, and each issue contains four practical articles. If you are not already a member of ACDA, you can join as an Associate for $45 per year and receive access to ChorTeach and the Choral Journal online. Last year I created an annotated ChorTeach index (found […]
One from the Folder: Weekly Repertoire Thoughts for Women’s/Treble Choirs
Week 24: Friday, August 31, 2018.
“Hodie Christus natus est” by Agneta Sköld.
Liturgical antiphon. SSAA, a cappella.
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: “Maestra Manners” Explains All
“Fine manners are the mantle of fair minds.” Louisa May Alcott Do you ever say “please” to your singers? Or is it always a command to “turn to page 3, top score, measure 2?” If you occasionally said, “please turn to page 3…..” would the sky fall? When was the last time you said “thank-you” […]
From Both Sides of the Pond
This week on GBW and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet, Host Stan Schmidt brings to your attention the ACDA Raymond W. Brock Memorial Commission project that has been on going since 1991. Then he takes you to Rotterdam, the Netherlands for a listen to a stunning 30 minute A Cappella Requiem by Dutch Composer Daniel de Lange. Thus […]
Sister Choruses ~ A Chinese / American Choral Exchange
See these sister youth choruses in China and the USA sing for each other in a live Skype choral exchange.
The “Mute” Button
The current issue of Choral Journal features an article in the Rehearsal Break column by Jose “Peppie” Calvar titled “The ‘Mute’ Button: Techniques and Benefits of Silent Rehearsal.” Below is an excerpt of the article, and you can read it in its entirety in the September 2018 issue! Go to and click “Search Archives.” Choose September 2018 from […]
The Sacred and Secular Johann Sebastian Bach
This week on GBW and ACDA ChoralNet Radio your host Stan Schmidt has a visit called the sacred and secular J.S. Bach. Your will hear the only Bach cantata written for Bass and Harpsichord…it’s called Oh Treacherous Love. You will also enjoy two Dialogue Cantatas for Soprano, Bass and Orchestra….Plus two great choruses from some […]
One from the Folder: Weekly Repertoire Thoughts for Women’s/Treble Choirs
Week 23: Friday, August 24, 2018 “Hidden Memories (Déjà Vu)” by Gordon Thornett Text by Linda Marcus SSA, a cappella Sweet, simple, innocent. Gordon Thornett’s setting of Linda Marcus’ text is all those and more. Based entirely on the pentatonic scale, the musical motifs are reminiscent of childhood songs and melodies, while the poetry recalls […]