When discussing how music and education intersects with race, gender and culture, I find that we are often pretty quick to apply reductionist labels to the idea or concept. For example, phrases I have come across too often include “That’s a boy’s song,” or “Choral Music is an inherently white art form,” or “sight reading […]
All Students DESERVE Music Literacy with Odell Zeigler IV
An Unconventional Approach to the Urban Choral Classroom I believe one of the biggest goals is getting the students interested in singing choral music before we start trying to operate out of formality. How do we get students interested in something they are not familiar with? Odell Zeigler IV Support the Show Read the Blog […]
Dr. Anton Armstrong’s Keynote Address at the 2021 ACDA National Conference
I am truly humbled to offer these thoughts today in the context of our national ACDA conference focused on music and diversity. The name of Helen Kemp is known to many of us who have devoted our lives to nurturing and developing the love of singing in children. Helen Kemp was a highly respected vocal […]
Culturally Responsive Teaching in Urban Choral Education: Tips on Repertoire, Resources, and Relationship
By Emily Halbert Culturally Responsive Teaching is the buzz phrase for teaching in the 21st century, not just in general education, in choral music education as well. When I entered the choral conducting profession, I knew there would be a disconnect between my education, experiences, and the communities I desired to teach. Thankfully, my teacher […]
Choral Resources in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Today in the United States we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day. In remembrance of King’s dream for racial equality, I want to draw your attention to a few resources relevant to this topic. Last year I posted a ChoralNet blog previewing a 2016 Choral Journal article “On Our Way: Programming a Martin Luther King […]
ACDA is looking for 3-4 committee members to serve along with chair, Eugene Rogers, on the Diversity Initiatives National Standing Committee. All interested individuals are invited to submit a letter of interest that includes a personal description of what diversity means for our organization by June 15 to Eugene Rogers (ecrogers@umich.edu) . ACDA’s commitment to […]