Spam from qacvclace
02/10/2019 Hello Scott, Sundra and Fellow ChoralNet Moderators, I received the following in my personal email from ChoralNet contacts: aliceuu sent you a new message: “HELLO” “I saw your profile and decided to contact you in good faith. my name is Alice I am, working with the United Nations. I’m from Florida in the United […]
deleted spam by nortonsetup
1/29/19 – Just a reminder that the comments have to be reviewed and approved on the moderator dashboard. We’re looking a little backed up.
1/21/19 – Marie — re the Wicker Park Choral announcement – I thought the same thing so I approved the announcement, but deleted the link to the job posting and sent a note to the poster to let them know to post the position on the jobs board.
Am not sure if the Wicker Park Choral Singers is an announcement or a job posting. Their founding director is stepping down and job info is not here sooooooo…..whatya think?