I’m the new kid . . . I want to ask whether you place a daily limit on the number of posts the same user may request to sell various anthems.
3/11/19 – I hope you’ll join with me in welcoming Roger Wilhelm to the moderating team. Tom Lerew needed to step back due to new roles with ACDA’s Southern Region as webmaster and communications chair. Roger will be taking Wednesdays. He is a Life member of ACDA, and had his first run last week – […]
03/07/2019 Just let us know when you want the post approved Sundra. 🙂
03/05/2019 Hi Sundra, Kinda feel like it’s a badge of honor. 🙂 It moldered in the queue for a while then someone deleted it so THANK YOU! I should never have put *social justice* in the title so now I know. Am here today to post about my ongoing auditions, so see y’all later!
03/05/19 – Goodness, Marie, I’m only now seeing your 2/21 note. That is certainly trolling and not what we want up on ChoralNet. Disagreement is fine, but respect and civility about differences is required.
Spam about cement from berthapagan