01/03/2019 Deleted spam from garywhiteman and manishpackers. Happy New Year everyone!
Wishing everyone the very best and musical 2019!
Just deleted spam–I THINK its spam–from jove532. This person wondered if anyone had thought to use medical cannabis to treat thyroiditis. I had my husband the ENT Dr. read the post over in case I was over-reacting but nope, hubby said it was nothing but BS. Sooooo, now have we heard everything?
12/11/18 10:20 a.m. There was a technical glitch yesterday after Scott encountered some issues with a plugin and disabled it. He fixed that as of 7:30 a.m. today, but that seems to have created a moderation backlog. Our apologies.
Deleting spam from rioezhi
two pieces of spam from walter2118colde-mail-com fa-la-la-la-la!