Yes, we’ve shown it here before, but maybe not on a Monday! A great reminder about diction. Enjoy:
How strange . . . .
. . . to see your former job advertised. Look everyone, a great university position open in Birmingham, Alabama. Choir sang at ACDA in Spring 2010 – wonderful students and incredible performing venue! For more information.
More Rupert Lang – ubi caritas
What do you think I fought for on Omaha Beach?
David Griggs Janower pointed me to this work by Melissa Dunphy. Here is the excerpted text as it appears in the new choral work: “Good morning, committee. My name is Phillip Spooner and I live at 5 Graham Street in Biddeford. I am 86 years old and a lifetime Republican and an active VFW […]
Robert Shaw on Music in Worship
It is a pleasure to have an office below the archival collection of the American Choral Directors Association. Our ACDA archives are fertile ground for anyone interested in doing research on the choral profession and choral music education (hint, hint to any doctoral students reading this). In preparation for an address I recently gave to […]
Tongue in Cheek
Here’s an interesting video for your Thursday morning. Perhaps put your coffee and muffin down if medical videos make you at all squeamish. A view of the tongue working, as through the eyes of the MRI, of an opera soprano, and a beatbox emcee. The video was featured at the Sounds and […]