Via Jeffrey Tucker, a press release from Eastman illuminating (heh) the history of the Ave Maria text, through musical sources: Michael Alan Anderson, Assistant Professor of Music at the Eastman School of Music (University of Rochester) has discovered that the second half of the prayer—the sinner’s direct plea to Mary—dates considerably earlier than commonly thought […]
Last week I had the opportunity to conduct Vaughan Williams' Hodie for the fifth time. For me, Hodie is the classy version of a lawn full of every illuminated seasonal character, stopping short of Santa and Frosty. The potpourri of English poetry, along with the wide variety of musical styles evoked, make it such a […]
The Great Choral Study
John Neal of Primarily A Cappella pointed me to this article from the BBC about "The Great Choral Study." Here is a little from the BBC article: Researchers from the Great Choral Study will aim to "investigate the current and future trends, opportunities and challenges facing British choirs". "Major questions are being asked throughout the […]
There’s Singing Christmas Trees…
…and then there’s Singing Christmas Trees with 300 singers, who start rehearsing in September and sing 23 songs memorized. And it costs up to $60 per ticket to see them. Oh, and they record an annual CD.
Seattle Pro Musica gets themselves on TV
We’re all jealous, I’m sure.
If you hate Harry Potter, ignore this post
But if you like Tom Lehrer, here’s Daniel Radcliffe singing Tom Lehrer’s periodic table of the elements, set to the tune of “I am the very model of a modern major general”: